Chapter 7: The Royal Bitch

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How I wish I could move things with my mind! Sometimes I desire to move bitches getting in my way, and other times my phone when it is just out of reach

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How I wish I could move things with my mind! Sometimes I desire to move bitches getting in my way, and other times my phone when it is just out of reach. Sometimes I wish I could move the milk and the cereal, to make breakfast effort free, and other times, like now, I wish I could move the hands of the clock to speed the time up for lunch. Mrs Sampson, I do not care how the structure, reactivity and properties of biomolecules work! Science really is professionalised in knowing how to bore the hell out of its students. Looking at the clock again, I nearly groan aloud when I see that it has only been five minutes since I last checked, instead of the fifteen I was hoping for.

"This is so boring." Celestrina moans from beside me.

"I know. I hate science." I mumble back.

"Same! My dad owns a restaurant in town, so I will always have a job there. Who cares if I fail science?" She grumbles.

"Celestrina. New girl. Silence please." Mrs Sampson snaps.

She has an almost hawkish air about her. Even her nose is curved and beaky. She has eyes of the palest blue that fixes you in ice, should you dare disagree or talk out of turn. She is willow-wand thin, so stick-like that it is hard to imagine her eating much at all. Her hair is not so much blonde as a washed out brown, like it just could not be bothered to be any colour at all. There is no way in the world this woman has a happy home-life. I bet her husband is hen-pecked. Every movement she makes betrays her internal frustrations that bounce inside her like sound in a deep cave. A century ago, she would have been brutal with the cane I am sure.

After mumbling our apologises, she decides to finally announce that we can pack up, getting ready to go. Unsurprisingly, Minnie seems almost downhearted that her time spent in science is already up. The corridors are alive with noise as the girls navigate me to the lunch hall. When we arrive, I realise that the cafeteria is really the school gym. A hatch connecting it to the kitchen is opened and the smell of chips and baked beans come wafting in. Minnie and Spencer have packed lunch, whilst Celestrina and I are buying lunch today. We line up across the back-wall with brown Formica trays in our hands, kicking the wall with our toes, or leaning on it as we shuffle along. The lunches are not much to look at, but the desserts are mouth-wateringly amazing! The aroma's of long donuts filled with cream, rich chocolate brownies, smarties cookies and creamy mousse explode into my senses, leaving me drooling at the almost taste. I guess that being in the middle of nowhere, they have not received the memo for healthy eating yet. When we have chosen what we want to eat, and handed the money over, Celestrina leads me to the octagonal table where the others are sat.

"Phoebe, meet my boyfriend Jed, and Minnie's brother Jun." Spencer announces when Celestrina and I have settled in.

"Hi! Nice to meet you guys." I wave chirpily.

Jed nods at me, his auburn hair shooting into his eyes. I never will understand why some boys decide to have floppy fringes. They spend 78% of their lives pushing it back out of their eyes! Just get a haircut, seriously! Jun's eyes dart to look at me, before he steals his attention back to his egg sandwich heatedly. Bless. He looks to be a little younger then the rest of us; maybe a sophomore instead of a senior. He has that Clark Kent look, with glasses and a nerdy domineer, but when he grows up, I am sure he will blossom into a lovely, kind and dare I say it handsome young man. It's always the shy ones you need to look out for.

"Oh my god, how can she show her face?" Celestrina mutters.

"Who? I ask, curious.

"Veronica St Martin. That loner, sitting on her own over there. Rumour has it she tried to seduce Ryker Gibson, but his girlfriend Delilah walked in so posted her nudes around the school, and told everyone about her nasty case of vaginal warts. Nobody will go within ten feet of her." Celestrina shakes her head, and I feel slightly sorry for the girl. Cheating is never right, but to absolutely ruin someone's life is plain nasty.

"Let me guide you around this school, there are some people that you need to stay away from and others you should try to get cosy with. Over there is Daniel Blake and Anthea Saldana. They're stepbrother and stepsister, but some say that relationship is a little... more then that. Too the left is Kitty, Jasmine and Zoe. All totally rich, but totally nice as well. Mason, Brick and Tanner sit over there, all mysterious bad boys, but into dodgy stuff. They have all been arrested for lots of crimes, including stealing and GBH. Tanner's girlfriend mysteriously disappeared two years back, and people still think that he murdered her. Molly and Aaron to your right are totally together, but not telling anyone, and Greg and Damon are so friends with benefits but not officially out the closet yet. Oh, and you need to meet Alex and his crew of super hot friends. They are literal Gods. They haven't been in school for a few weeks now though." Celestrina informs me, talking very excitedly.

"Wow, you are like a gossip hub!" I joke with her.

"Aww, thank you! But girl, if there is one piece of advice I can give you, it is to stay away from Delilah Tycho. I am telling you now; she is the worst person in this entire school! She is a life ruiner. A bully. A psycho. She is one of those girls that you want to push into a metal locker and bruise all of her perfect face. She is... coming over right now! Shit! Who aggravated the beast?" Celestrina panics.

Looking over I see none other then who I presume to be Ryker's girlfriend Delilah and the freak sitting in front of me in calculus making their way over towards our table, her cold, empty eyes focused on me. Delilah's blonde hair is about as natural as my British accent - both strained credibility. The coiffured golden strands turn a dull brown at the roots, though if they matched her brows and lashes you would never know it. I have never seen so much makeup smothered on a werewolf. It is in her DNA to be stunning; she really does not need to try so hard. Her full, pink lips are turned down into a frown, making her makeup crease around the eyes, giving the appearance of wrinkles.

"You. New girl." She sneers at me.

"I have a name." I quip back.

"Whatever. Stay away from my ma-boyfriend. Ryker. I had some intel that you were flirting with him in calculus this morning. He doesn't like you so don't act desperate sweetie."

"I was not flirting with him! He was coming onto me. You need to get better control over your man 'sweetie.'" I respond, glaring at her. I notice that many people have now stopped their conversations to find out what is going on.

"How dare you! Ryker is committed to me! Listen up, you are new meat. Stay away from all of the boys. Unless it's Harry Potter freak over there." She points at Jun. "Or you will be dead meat before the end of the week."

"I'm sorry, since when did you become my mum? This is a free country darling, I'll do whatever I damn well please." I huff, glaring at her.

"I am the queen of this school, not you. If you touch my boyfriend, you will no longer be welcome in this town." She growls furiously.

"Oh, don't worry about your boyfriend Hunny; I don't play with used toys." I growl back at her, taking her back.

"There is a horrible stench of bitch in here, wanna go outside?" I question the others.

"Yes girl!" Celestrina laughs, her and Minnie following me out of the cafeteria into a less toxic atmosphere.

"Oh my god! That was awesome! Nobody has done that before! I am officially in love with you." Celestrina giggles.

"Well, she deserved it. That bitch needs to be put in place!" I exclaim.

"I cannot believe that she is popular. Why do people follow her? She's a tyrant!" Celestrina moans.

"It's just the way of the world I guess." I shrug.

But of course, I do know why. She is the future Luna of this pack. Moreover, I just royally pissed her off. Whoops.

We will be meeting Alex in chapter 9 babes! Vote and comment please xoxo


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