Chapter 34 - Taken

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This is it. The end... the final chapter. I was going to take the three buses to the airport, but Cele's mum very kindly offered to drop me down. It is going to be a long and emotional ride, but there is no escaping it. This is reality. As I manage to squeeze in the last of my suitcases into Cele's mums four by four, I let out a shaky sigh, knowing the time to leave has arrived. I feel sick to my stomach by this. I don't want to leave... of course I don't. I have fallen in love with Lupine Peak, the beautiful little natural treasure hidden away from the rest of the world. It is like a pocket of peace in the midst of chaos. I am really going to miss everything and everyone here.

Especially Alex.

Oh, and my sister.

And my friends!

Alex has a nasty habit making everything about him in my life.

Feeling the tears about to bubble their way up to the surface I hurriedly shut my thoughts down, not willing to go down the path of depression again. I really just want my dad now. He always knows how to make me feel better, watching Friday Night Dinner with a big bowl of popcorn and tubs of ice cream. I wish he had never sent me here, but then again I am also glad he did. Even though things have ended no short of horrifically, it has been a good lesson. I shall never put myself in a position to be broken so wholly again.

I cannot bare to face Tammy after yesterdays escapade. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Making my sister cry sent daggers through my heart. I do send her a little text message though, reinforcing my thanks and love for her. I can almost feel her sadness radiating through our bond, it is that immense. Don't even get me started on Alex. Anger, confusion and pain are all I can feel when I think about him. I'm sure that over time our bond will fade, well, it will of course be ripped apart at the seams when he chooses to take her as his mate.

Bye-bye heart.

Sadly, I go inside to say goodbye to Celestrina's family. Her sister Modestia and brother Cairo each give me a hug, and her father wishes me well. Cele's mother Bitea is such a doll. Her whole family is amazing – everyone is so kind and thoughtful, and all turned the other cheek when I sobbed myself to sleep most nights and unexpectedly showed up at their house. Celestrina's mother especially has been very sweet and kind, almost like a mother really. She calls me 'love' and made sure I ate good meals, and always hugged me goodnight. Everything my own mother never did. I'm still not talking to her, and have buried my pearl necklace in one of my suitcases. Until I put it on she can't visit me using the necklaces powers, or see into my head, unless she decides to conjure a vision of herself using her own power source, which drains her exponentially, so I really doubt she'll bother.

"Are you ready to go?" Cele asks sympathetically.

Nodding tiredly, I agree and follow her to the car. Minnie popped over to say goodbye this morning, as well as Spencer, Jed, and a few were's I am friends with. It is safe to say there were many tears, and I have slipped to looking like a six out of ten, which is frankly quite embarrassing, but I cannot bring myself to care.

I manage to keep the tears in until we start driving through town, and I remember that this is the last time I will see this place. I cannot come back here for at least three years. That is the time frame I have given myself to get over my heartbreak. I'll be 21 then, and Alex will be long forgotten. At least I hope he will...

Cele simply keeps holding my hand, trying to soothe me, but the tears are never-ending, and I end up having to bury my face into her shoulder to stop myself from looking out the window. Oh Alex, what have you done to me? I'm in ruins. I don't know how long it will take to rebuild my heart. After we pull out of the town, we begin the descent down the mountain. I am able to relax a little, but my breathing is still uneven, and my face is covered in a mess of tears and snot. Lovely. When I feel the strength to, I look back one last time at what used to be my haven. The mountain lays in the distance like a ridiculous green camel hump, or perhaps the nose of a slumbering giant turned to rock. But still it is beautiful, surrounded by an intricate blanket of the deepest, most vibrant greens, and shimmering lakes, hiding Lupine Peak away. Sighing, I turn back around to face the front, determined to put my time at Lupine Peak behind me.

"So Phoebe, you know you're always welcome to come and stay with us love." Bitea tells me.

"Thanks... I would like that." I mutter, although my tone is full of empty promises.

They'd be lucky if I come back within the next two years!

"Also love, I wanted to-."

But I never get to hear what she says. There is a sudden harsh thump to the right side of the car, causing the doors to bend in, injuring Cele and then making the car skid off the road and over the edge. We tumble over and over so many times I become disorientated even before the dreadful bang to my head that causes me to drift in and out of consciousness. We roll and roll until we come to a complete stop. Silence; it scares me more then the pain. Shouldn't Cele and Bitea be moaning or calling out? They were screaming fearfully a minute ago... or was it an hour? I try to move but I am pinned by the collapsing roof and the driver's seat. Something thick is in my eyes, and the smell of blood is so strong it is as if a massacre occurred. Pain is sprouting all over me, so intense I am struggling to breathe. Groaning I manage to pull my hand free from the rubble, greeted with a snapped wrist. I fight the urge to be sick. I am badly injured, but I will survive. I try not to think about the fact I cannot feel my legs right now.

"C-Cele?" I call out, and turn my fragile neck to face her. She is slumped against the window, her hair covering her face, and not moving.

As I reach out to shake her, the wrecked car makes an awful groaning noise, and the roof slumps further in on itself, adding extra pressure to my legs. Out of my foggy senses I can just about make out an awful burning smell, and I realise the bonnet is on fire.

"Help! Someone help!" I call out, coughing violently. I am too weak to move, and I don't think I'll be able to drag the other's bodies out in time.

"Help!" I try screaming again, before breaking into another coughing fit. Gasping for air through the thick cloud of smoke enveloping me, my eyes streaming in protest, I suddenly hear something or someone by the car...

My heart jumps for joy, as I am sure that I am being rescued... when rough hands dig into my shoulder and forcibly pull me from the wreck, causing me to scream. Through blurry eyes and a jumbled mind, I realise that my saviours are in fact rogues. I feel like giving up and dying. But maybe that choice will be taken out of my hands soon, as I spot the evil glint of a sharp needle, before it is stabbed into my neck, shutting my brain down immediately.


Dun dun dun!! What do you guys think?? Alex's POV next chapter :)

Love you guys, we're so close to 2k reads!!! Thank you to everybody reading and voting xoxox


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