Reid - Bad Day

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{Reid accidentally forgets his badge and phone at the cafe you work at.}
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Today just wasn't your day! First, 2 of your coworkers quit out of the blue. Then your boss forces extra shifts on you and now you have to pay your bitchy next door neighbor to water your plants, even though she steals from you. Things honestly couldn't get any worse.

"Excuse me. Can I have some coffee?"

Great. Now you have to deal with asshole customers. You forced a smile as you turned to look at him.

The guy was really tall and thin with a messy mop of light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept in ages and was impatiently tapping his foot against the tile floor as he stared at his phone.

"Yes, sir. If you could have a seat or wait at the back of the line, I'll take your order sh- "

"No.. uh.. I don't have time for this. I'm late and I really need that coffee." he interrupted.

You sighed, shaking your head in frustration. "Sir, there are others who've been waiting longer and we're low on staff. Either respect the people around you and wait or leave. Thank you." you said through gritted teeth then went to take everyone else's orders.

As time went by, you just assumed the handsome guy went home by now. It's been a little under 30 minutes since our little chat. However, as you were cleaning the tables, you saw him. He was sleeping on the table in the far back of the cafe. Has he been there this whole time? Now you feel terrible for making him wait so long.

You made a cup of coffee to-go and made your way over to him.

"Hey.. " you carefully shook his shoulder and he jumped up.

Flinching at his sudden movement, you let out a little laugh to mask the small amount of shock you felt in that moment.

"Hey, I'm sorry I made you wait so long but thank you for.. you know.. waiting." you sat the coffee on the table.

The guy smiled sleepily, rubbing his eyes like a cute little boy.

"It's fine. I needed some sleep anyway."

"Right.. " you smiled, "Anyway, you wanted a coffee so there you go. It's on the house. My way of apologizing."

"What time is it?"

You checked the clock on the wall, "10am, it looks like."

After hearing that, his eyes widened and he stood up abruptly. He rushed out a quick thank you, grabbed his coffee and ran as fast as he could out the door.

"Hey, wait! You forgot your.. " you called out to him but he was gone faster than the speed of sound. You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest.

Jeez. That guy is a real piece of work. He forgot his phone and what looks to be a badge?

"I don't pay you for nothing, Y/N!" exclaimed one of your coworkers jokingly.

You scoffed, flipping her off. "You don't pay me at all." you exclaimed.

You decided to hold on to that guy's belongings until he comes back for them. Maybe it'll give you a good reason to see him again.

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