Rossi - Under The Stars

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{Rossi invites you out for a midnight stroll then confesses his love for you under the stars.}

You've been working at the BAU for nearly two years now so you knew just like everyone else that falling in love with David Rossi was a recipe for disaster. There's absolutely no way the older man would ever fall for you. You're nothing like the other ladies he's dated or married. He probably doesn't even think of you as a friend and that thought makes you want to bash your head against a brick wall. But, instead of harming yourself, you decide to drown yourself in your work. No free time, no friends or family. Just work.

You've noticed that the more you work, the less you think about your huge crush on Rossi. Working gives you a small amount of relief and you're grateful for that. Besides.. it never hurts to get a little extra work done now and again.

"Ah, geez!" you groaned, stretching your arms over your head. "Kill me now."

It's late, probably a little after midnight, and you're working late. You've been sitting in your desk chair for hours now and you were all alone. Everyone had somewhere to be or something to do but you. You live alone, no family or friends outside the BAU so staying late or leaving on long business trips weren't a problem at all.

"I would but who would I talk to if you're gone?"

You jumped in fright, twisting around in your chair to face the last person you ever wanted to face. David Rossi was practically sitting on your desk, his arms and legs crossed. You didn't even notice he was right there. You smiled, shaking your head.

"There's always Garcia." you joked, making Rossi's nose turn up.

"Yeah, we can talk about glitter and how gorgeous her and Morgan's love child will be." he snorted, "No thank you. If you don't mind, I'd rather leave that conversation for a rainy day."

You and Rossi shared a laugh, your heart doing flips in your chest. "So what're you doing here so late? Is it lonely in that big mansion of yours?" you jokingly asked.

Rossi's smile dropped and it's almost like he was lost in thought. You weren't sure what was going on with him but you didn't feel it was right to ask so you just waited for him to answer. After a few seconds of waiting, Rossi suddenly let out a soft sigh. You were starting to worry that you might've said something offensive.

"Sorry, Rossi. I didn't mean to say anything wrong."

"No, I was just thinking that I should go get some fresh air." he stood up, holding his hand out for me. "Care to join me? The stars would be a lot more beautiful with you by my side."

Your cheeks heated up and your eyes widened slightly. Did he really just say that? On purpose!? You grinned from ear to ear, accepting his hand. He led you out of your seat and towards the elevator.

"You actually said that with a straight face." you giggled as the elevator doors opened.

You turned to look at Rossi who wasn't looking at you at all. You could see his ears were bright red though which made you giggle even more. Rossi cleared his throat, his grip on your hand, which he was still holding, tightening.

"I didn't think I had it in me." was his only response but it was enough to make you happy.

You two stayed silent for the whole elevator ride and walk out of the building. Hand in hand, you walked down the busy streets of Quantico Virginia, just enjoying each other's company. When you walked into a park, you excitedly let go of Rossi's big hand and skipped over to the swing.

"I used to love swinging when I was a kid." you gushed, "I was always by myself but I didn't care. It was like I was flying."

Rossi sat in the swing next to yours. "Why were you always alone?"

"I'm an only child and my parents were always so busy.. I never learned how to socialize with others so no one really liked me. It wasn't until college that I decided to turn my life around. I studied psychology and read a lot of books on how to interact with people. Many years later and tada! I'm an FBI agent with 7 great friends and a reason to get out of bed in the morning." you shrugged, smiling at Rossi who stared back at you. "I've come a long way and I'm glad I did or I probably would've never met you and the team. Thinking about it now, I wouldn't trade you for the world, David Rossi."

Rossi's eyes glossed over with tears and he was smiling now. You're glad you got him to smile but why did he look about ready to cry? Suddenly, he reached over and held your hand again, this time your fingers were laced in between his. He pointed up at the sky and you looked to see why but all you could see was a sky full of stars. It wasn't anything new so why was he pointing up there?

"Do you know how many stars are up there?" he asked.

You frowned, "Well there's gotta be billions of them. Why?"

"Each and every star in the entire universe represents how much I.. " he sighed deeply, staring directly into your eyes. You were so confused and worried about him, he's acting strange. You were about to ask him what was wrong until you heard something you never imagined you'd ever hear in your life.

"Y/N, I love you."

Your mind went blank and your heart was beating so fast, you thought for sure it would stop and you'd die.

"I tried to keep it in. Told myself I'd never let you know how I truly felt about you but.. Penelope reminded me of how time goes by so fast and that you won't be around forever because, if it's not me, someone else will swoop in and take you away and the thought of that happening makes me sick. I just needed to know whether or not I even had a chance so here I am, confessing my love to you." he squeezed your hand, "Tell me, Y/N. Do I have a chance?"

You couldn't believe your ears. You were never one to believe that dreams come true but now you're not so sure. Everything you've ever wanted has been placed in your lap in the matter of minutes and the only thing you can think of right now is.. Thank you so fucking much, Penelope Garcia, you gift from God. You couldn't contain the smile on your face as you freed yourself from Rossi's grip and placed your hands on his cheeks, pulling his face close until your lips were on his.

The kiss was slow and full of so many different emotions that your mind and body couldn't keep up but none of that mattered. You've finally gotten what you've always wanted and you weren't about to let him slip through your fingers. Once you pulled apart, you both had goofy grins slapped across your faces and your cheeks were as red as tomatoes.

"I love you too, David Rossi. I always have."

He let out a breath of relief and chuckled. "Thank God. I've never been so nervous in my life."

"Well how are we gonna tell the team?"

"I'll throw a big party, of course. With the finest wine I can buy."

You giggled at that, planting a small kiss onto his lips.

"Dave, I have to ask.. " you suddenly said, making Rossi's ears perk up.

"You talk about your feelings to Penelope?"

As small as it may have sounded, in all your years of being together, you never let Rossi live that down and you always went to Penelope whenever you needed answers about your husband. Because you knew she had them.


I won't lie, this is my favorite one so far because:
1, I love Rossi
And 2, I love that I made Penelope a Cupid in this one. If you like it, vote and comment. Thank you and see ya laterz. ✌😬


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