Alvez - Confrontation

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{You think Alvez hates you because he acts like a jerk towards you and you don't know why so you confront him about it.}

You just couldn't put your finger on it. No matter how hard you tried, the answers wouldn't show themselves to you. Why does Luke Alvez hate you?

You don't know!

You've been working at the BAU for half a year now and, so far, you've grown to love everyone so much but Luke held a special place in your heart. You see, you ended up falling in love with him over the last 6 months. There's just something about the way he smiles, the way he bites his bottom lip and his soft, deep voice makes your heart go crazy. And he's so sweet too.. well, he's sweet to everyone but you.

Luke Alvez is so sweet to everyone, he's polite, honest, generous and he never yells or gets angry at anyone. But, when it comes to you, he's as cold as ice. He barely speaks to you and, when he does, he always has something harsh to say. Most of the time he criticizes your work. Other times he acts like you're some kind of defenseless child when you're out on the field. After work hours, he insults your appearance and says you have a rotten attitude which was ridiculous! You are the sweetest person on Earth, in your opinion.

He's literally butchering your heart and you find it hard to contain your tears. Hanging on by a single thread, you don't know how much longer you can go before you confront him.

"Y/N, you're going to Rossi's house tonight, right?" asked Garcia with hopeful eyes, "It won't be a party unless everybody comes."

Rossi was throwing a small get-together to celebrate the successful end to a big case and you were hoping you could skip it because Luke was definitely going to be there. However, you just couldn't say no to Garcia, she's too precious. You forced a smile on your face and nodded slowly. Not catching on to how forced your response was, Garcia grinned, clapping her hands in excitement.

"Great! Wear something pretty!" she exclaimed as she rushed out of the office and into the elevator.

Your smile dropped and you let out a heavy sigh. It was usual for things to never go your way. All you wanted to do was go home and try to forget about Alvez but it's proving to be impossible. You decided to take your time and finish up some paperwork before going home to get ready for the party.

Only problem is.. Luke had the same idea.

He spotted you and the happy look on his face was quickly washed away as he rushed to his desk. You weren't going to let him brush you off like that.

"Hey, Alvez. Staying late too?" you asked sweetly, a wide smile painted on your face.

Alvez simply shrugged, not looking up at you at all.

"Um.. " you frowned, "Are you going to the party? Garcia's really serious about everyone going. I was kind of hoping to go straight home after overtime but who can say no to Penelope Garcia?" you pushed out a chuckle but he didn't laugh or anything like that.

"I'm going. It's a big deal, it wouldn't be right to bail."

"Yeah, I didn't mean- "

He practically slammed his hands on his desk, letting out a heavy sigh and strongly avoiding eye contact with you. You flinched at the sudden noise, your eyes wide, heart racing in a negative way and your eyes filling with tears. You're a little scared at this point because he's acting so aggressive towards you and you just don't understand why.

"I know exactly what you meant, L/N. I'm trying to finish up so I can get home, do you mind?" he spoke so rudely to you.

Snap. That's the sound the single thread you were barely holding onto made when it finally broke. The tears in your eyes finally spilled over and your blood was boiling with anger and heartbreak. You stood up and stomped over to Alvez's desk. He looked up at you, shocked. He never even thought about what would happen if you broke.

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