Jareau - Kaboom!

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{You and JJ get into a fight and you leave for the night, only to pay JJ a visit at her job the next day.. with a bomb attached to your body.}

"Can we not do this right now, Y/N?"

"When are we supposed to do this, JJ? We haven't even slept in the same bed together for months!"

"You knew before we started dating that my job was important to me!"

"I know it's important but so am I! I feel like I'm the only one in this relationship!"

JJ sighed dramatically, running her hand through her hair. She knew this was going to happen. She knew that her girlfriend would eventually lash out at her for not coming home most of the time.

"God, Y/N! I'm saving lives and you want to lecture me about not being around when you want me around? I'm not your fucking dog!"

"Fuck you, JJ! Why are we even together if you don't want anything to do with me!?"

"I don't know!"

JJ doesn't mean anything she's saying. She's head over heels in love with Y/N and she wouldn't trade her for the world. But she made a mistake and she's too afraid to confess. She's been beating herself up over the past few months because of what she did and it caused her to push Y/N away. She never meant to hurt her. JJ's conflicted. She has to choose between admitting what she's done and risk the chance of losing her.. or push her away and definitely lose her.

And by the sound of the argument, JJ chose to push her away. She just can't seem to admit what she did. The fear was too much for the FBI agent.

Y/N's eyes widened, "You don't know!? JJ, do you even love me anymore? Tell me now because I need to know I'm not just wasting my time here!"

JJ shook her head, "I.. "

The room fell silent. An unbearable silence that broke Y/N's heart.

"You don't? When did you stop loving me?" she choked out, hugging herself as a way to protect herself as tears poured down her cheeks. "When did I stop being someone important to you?"

"That's no- "

"I gave up everything for you, JJ. I tried so hard to be the best girlfriend I could be but it still wasn't enough?"

Y/N wiped her face clean and rushed to their shared room. She grabbed a go-bag and filled it with as much of her stuff as she could. JJ came running into the room as fast as she could. "Y/N, please! Let me explain! Don't leave me!"

"Explain what? I can't do this with you, JJ. I'm tired and I can't be here right now."

"Where are you going!?"

"I need some time! I'm going to a friend's house."

She finished packing her stuff and left without saying another word. With every step she took, JJ's heart broke more and more. This was it. She was losing the woman she loves most.

× × × ×

"It's my fault.. I should've just told her the truth."

JJ was broken, laying on the couch with her phone and sending message after message. Calling over and over again. Her eyes were puffy from crying so much and her nose was red and runny with snot. Prentiss sat across from her on the coffee table, trying her best to comfort her best friend.

"It's not too late, Jennifer. She loves you to pieces." Prentiss cooed, holding JJ's free hand. "She just needs some time to breathe. When you see her again, tell her the truth."

"What if she doesn't come back?" the blonde sobbed. It's the first time Prentiss has ever seen JJ like this. Until now, she had no idea just how strong Y/N's hold on JJ was. "What do I do, Emily!? I'm so scared of losing her, she won't even answer my calls!"

"Oh my God, JJ, don't be ridiculous. Of course she's coming back! She knows how amazing you are. You just need to remind her that you love her. No more secrets and lies."

Sniffling and wiping her eyes, JJ nodded frantically. "You're right. I can't keep this up anymore, I have to tell her everything. I- if she loves me as much as she says she does.. then she'll forgive me, right?" she asked, hopeful.

Prentiss smiled sympathetically. "I can't say. You know her best, JJ. You're just gonna have to trust her."

JJ took Prentiss' advice to heart as the both of them ended up binge watching Rizzol & Isles for the rest of the night.

× × × ×

Angry. Frustrated. Confused. Hurt. Sad. Those are just some of the words that described how you felt. JJ meant everything to you, you never thought JJ would ever stop loving you.

But it seems like she did.

You called your best friend, Garcia because you didn't have any other friends of your own. When you called, she picked up right away.

"You've reached Penelope Garcia, Queen of all that is bliss."

You somehow managed to giggle through all the crying you were doing because Penelope was just such an amazing person, you really couldn't help it. Penelope instantly noticed and a gasp filled your ear.

"Y/N, sweetheart, what's wrong? Was it something I said? Should I call JJ?"

"No! No, Penelope, don't call JJ." you whispered softly, smiling the best you could.

"Oh? Oh!" she gasped again. "Oh, no. Are you okay? What happened between you?"

"Can I stay the night at your place? I promise I'll explain everything."

"Of course. You don't even have to ask. The door's open."

"Thank you so much, Penelope. I'll be there as soon as I can."

You two said your goodbyes after that and hung up. You let out a heavy sigh, walking down the streets of Quantico Virginia. You didn't have a driver's license so you were lucky that Penelope lived so close to you and JJ. However, as you walked down the street, you started to hear a low, creepy laugh. You stopped walking, looking around to find the source.

But it was nearly impossible with all the people walking the streets at night. Deciding that it was nothing, you kept walking.

But it wasn't nothing.

And the next thing you know, a hand covers your mouth and you feel a painful pinch in your neck.

Then everything goes black.


I wrote this chapter about a thousand times trying to get it right and I'm still not completely satisfied with it!
AARRGG, THE STRUGGLES! Anyway, part 2 will be coming soon, I hope you guys like. Thank you to those who've been voting and adding this story to your reading lists, it means a lot to me. Thank you and see you laterz!


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