Garcia - Gossip Girl

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{Garcia is in love with you (her best friend) and her obsessive amount of gossiping leads to her accidentally confessing.}

It's rare but not unusual for you to visit your best friend at her job.

You worked as an author which basically meant you had a lot of time on your hands. Here and there, you'd go to a nearby cafe, grab some donuts and tea then head to Penelope's work place. Sometimes you'd surprise her, other times you'd call ahead. It depended on how you felt that day.

Today, you felt like a good surprise would do you some good. It would help get your mind off the fact that your manuscript was due at the end of the week and you hadn't started it yet.

Ah, procrastinating.

You gotta love it.

With a big box of donuts for Penelope and her team and some tea for the two of you because you know how Penelope gets when she drinks coffee, you walked into the building that your beloved friend works at and checked in at the front desk. Once you finished getting your visitors pass, you headed to the elevator where the one and only Aaron Hotchner was waiting. When he saw you, he flashed that award winning smile and kindly offered to hold the box of sugary sweets for you which you gladly accepted. The elevator doors slid open not soon after and you both stepped in.

"Visiting Garcia again? I didn't expect to see you for awhile longer." he engaged in conversation and you placed your index finger on your lips.

"It's a surprise and I originally wasn't supposed to leave my house but work is stressful so I'm taking a break." you explained which Hotchner understood. It's not the first time you showed up to run away from your work. "Anyway, how is everyone? And how's Jack? I feel like I miss out on everything when I'm cooped up in that bedroom of mine."

"You're not missing much. Jack's fine and the team is doing great but nothing new is going on."

You continued to have small talk all the way up until the elevator doors opened again. You started getting excited. It's been so long since you last seen you best friend. And the wait was even harder because you have a crush on said best friend. You've had this crush for a couple years now but there was never a time for you to tell her. You'd definitely do it if you could but both of you are always incredibly busy and those sons of bitches you call jobs are always getting in the way. It didn't matter anyway. As long as you were someone important to her, you didn't mind not telling her about your feelings.

"Forgot to mention. Those donuts are a gift from me, to the team. My way of saying hello." you winked cheekily at Hotchner who chuckled in return and thanked you.

The two of you walked into the BAU and everyone was sitting around, chatting and going about one of their rare, normal days. Reid was sitting at his desk with Morgan and JJ standing around him, listening to him ramble about whatever, and Prentiss, Rossi and Garcia were by the coffee machines, having a group conversation.

Garcia had her back turned to you so you tip toed towards her with your index finger against your lips again, gesturing to everyone that saw you to keep quiet. Penelope was in the middle of making herself a cup of coffee when you stood right behind her and said:

"Shame on you, Pen! Drinking coffee when your best friend was kind enough to bring you tea? I can't even, right now."

Penelope squeaked in shock, practically jumping into the air before twirling around to look at you. As soon as your eyes met hers, a grin spread across her face and she was bouncing on her feet.

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