Reid - Weak

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by AJR

{Reid is attracted to you even though you're on the other side of the law.}


"No, thank you.. " is what Dr. Spencer Reid should've said.

He knew that better than anyone. He knew it was definitely NOT okay to let this strange girl drag him along with her because she was absolutely no good at all. For a little over half a year, he's been enchanted by his new nextdoor neighbor. A girl named Y/N L/N. She's a couple years younger than Spencer and she's his total opposite. There have been many times when he'd come home and find police at her place. He was used to seeing her sitting in the hallway of their apartment building with handcuffs on and a proud smile slapped across her face while the police officers combed her apartment for drugs or something. She'd often wink at him or wave at him during such moments and he's sure she's taunting him because she knows he's an FBI agent.

Spencer tried, he really did, to just ignore her and move on with his life but that task has proven to be difficult for the young genius. He couldn't help but notice her. Sometimes he even admired her. Eventually, he knew he had feelings for her. One day, she knocked on his door and offered him a beer, which he hesitantly accepted. Ever since then, Spencer would always end up spending time with her. It started out as just drinking together, which led to them hanging out at parks and meeting up during Spencer's lunch breaks just to chat.

They had absolutely nothing in common and he really liked that. She liked him too, she especially liked the many facts he would randomly share with her and she liked how he'd always overreact. The two were so imperfectly perfect for each other that it wouldn't make any sense to anyone but them.

It was close to midnight and Spencer, as per usual, couldn't sleep so he was wide awake and reading a new book when he heard a knock at the door. At this time of night, he expected it to be his beautiful nextdoor neighbor, Y/N. And sure enough, he was correct. He opened the door to see the younger girl standing there with a book bag on her back and a wide, mischievous smile on her face.

"Good, you're awake. Wanna hang out with me tonight? I swear it'll be fun." she sang the last part to try and convince him to say yes.

He really should've refused because he knew how dangerous this one little lady could be. Having seen the police more times than he would like because of her, he knew better than to accept the invitation.

But he ignored all of his red flags and shot her a nervous smile. "Sure, as long as it's nothing illegal. I don't wanna lose my job."

Y/N saluted the young doctor as if he were a captain. "You got it, dude. Let's go!" she grabbed his hand and dragged him out of his apartment. Luckily, he was fully dressed and wearing his shoes.

The two rushed out of the building and walked down the street.

"Where are we going? I really should be in bed.. " Spencer mumbled, greatly regretting his decisions.

"You know, worrying so much will shorten your lifespan."

"That's not true at all."

Y/N laughed loudly, still holding Spencer's hand. "I thought you'd say that. If you really can't chill out, take a shot of this." she managed to grab a bottle of alcohol from her bag with her free hand and gave it to Spencer.

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