Hotchner - Love Someone

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by Lukas Graham

{You asked Hotchner to accompany you to a wedding and Hotchner realizes just how much he loves you.}

There are days I wake up and I pinch myself. You're with me, not someone else.

You and Aaron have only been together for a little under a year now and yet.. he still wasn't sure how he felt about you. He absolutely loved spending time with you. He liked the constant texting and the sweet little kisses you both share with each other. He liked how you'd come over early in the morning just to cook him and Jack breakfast before you went off to work and he liked how random, funny, clumsy and cute you were. He really did..

But was that love?

He couldn't tell you. After Hailey died, Aaron lost a small piece of his heart and love became foreign to him. Then he met Beth and he thought things would be alright from then on.. but that ended fairly quickly which brought him back to square one. He met you by accident. On his way to pick up Jack from school, he nearly hit you with his car because you had your nose stuck in a book and wasn't paying attention to your surroundings. He totally went papa bear on you, lecturing you about safety and junk. You randomly interrupted him by asking him for his number and, in a state shock, he gave you his business card.

After that, he couldn't shake you. When you weren't around, you were all he thought about. When you were around, you stuck to him like glue and it was nearly impossible to get rid of you. You'd constantly ask him out to dinner and he'd refuse. Most of your time together was basically you bugging him about going on a date with you and him refusing and trying to get you to go home.

And I'm scared, yeah I'm still scared, that it's all a dream.

Things went downhill when you stopped. You stopped visiting him at work, stopped texting him, stopped bugging him. For a whole week, you just disappeared. That's when Aaron realized that you meant a lot more to him than he thought. It only took you a couple of months but you played a big role in his life and he didn't want to lose you like he lost the others.

So he called you and asked you out to dinner.

What was pretty amusing was that you only stopped contacting him because you were out of town, visiting your family, and your parents weren't big fans of technology. You had every intention of calling him when you got back home. You told him that and Aaron had never been so embarrassed in his entire life. But he was happy. Happy that you didn't give up on him. Happy that you still liked him, even though he was a bit of an ass.

And after that date, there was another. And another, and another. Until he finally, and really nervously, asked you to make your relationship official. You gladly accepted and the two of you were finally a couple.

Prentiss and Morgan loss 30 bucks to Reid, betting that you'd ask Aaron out first and not the other way around.

And now things are still going great.

Accept for one thing.

Just recently, a few weeks ago when Aaron had dropped you off at home after a date, you told Aaron that you'd fallen in love with him.

It was random and really quick, just like everything you did, and you disappeared into your apartment building as soon as you said it but it still blew Aaron's mind. It left him speechless.

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