Morgan - My Hero

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{Morgan saves you from your abusive ex boyfriend and asks you out afterwards.}


"Please go home, Nick!" you begged your ex boyfriend.

You broke up with Nick a couple weeks ago and he's been showing up wherever you went ever since then. He's extremely abusive and would beat you for every little thing you did or said that he didn't like. You just couldn't handle it anymore. It was either dump him or kill him and you really didn't want to go to jail. Prison orange wasn't your color.

You did call the cops several times since the breakup because he kept trying to break into your apartment. One time, he actually got inside and nearly choked you to death. Luckily, youe neighbors are nosy and they heard everything and called the police. You still have bruises around your neck from that night. Now you have a restraining order against him but he doesn't care.

He's on the other side of your apartment door, drunk off his ass and banging on the door, yelling incoherent insults and curse words at you.

"No, you listen to me! You're nothing without me, you here me!?" he slurred.

You sighed, deciding to call the police instead of arguing back and forth with this asshole.

"Nick, I'm calling the police! You better get the hell out of here before they show up!" you called out.

After your long talk with the 911 operator, you realized that tonight was going to be a long night.

You have the worst taste in men.

× × × ×

Meanwhile, Derek Morgan and the rest of the BAU team had just finished a case and were on their way back home.

"Who's up for some drinks? First rounds on me." asked Rossi with a mischievous smile.

As profilers, they instantly noticed his expression and all stared at him suspiciously.

"What's that look for?" JJ asked first.

Prentiss added, "I won't be designated driver again! Last time, Morgan asked me to join a threesome and Garcia and Reid nearly got us into a car accident because she dared him to give me a lap dance." she shivered at the memory.

Reid blushed, clearing his throat and pretending to read a book to avoid the conversation and Morgan smirked at the memory, a little disappointed that that threesome didn't happen. Rossi chuckled.

"There's nothing for any of you to worry about." he stated honestly, pointing at everyone but Hotcher. "And Prentiss, I'll be the designated driver."

Hotch sighed, knowing exactly why he was making that face. After breaking up with Beth, Rossi's been determined to find him a new flame. He doesn't mind too much but he's wondering when Rossi will get bored and just leave it alone already. Seeing as there was nothing to worry about, everyone agreed to go out for drinks and Prentiss called Garcia to let her know.

× × × ×

"Hey, Y/N. You look terrible tonight." said your friend, Caleb who's also a bartender.

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