Prentiss - Drunk Calling

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{Prentiss is secretly in love with you and drunk calls you while confessing.}

"Emily, you okay? You're disconnected." Garcia asked her friend who was staring at her phone with a blank stare on her face. "Are you waiting for a call or something?"

Prentiss, JJ, Garcia and Morgan were hanging out at a bar to blow off some steam after a long case and Prentiss was already pretty tipsy. She was drowning herself in alcohol to try and forget the fact that she's in love with her best friend, Y/N and she thinks that Y/N is avoiding her. She hasn't returned a single call or text but Prentiss can't figure out why.

Did she do something wrong?

Did she hurt Y/N?

Make her cry?

She didn't know and that was killing her inside.

The raven haired girl smiled sadly, "I am, Penelope. I'm waiting for a text. I'll accept just that at this point." she slurred, about ready to cry.

Penelope frowned, "What? Emily, who are you talking about? Is something wrong?" she panicked.

"No! I'm perfectly fine! I just- just need another drink. Be right back." Prentiss stood up from the table and stumbled towards the bar. She ordered the strongest drink she could pronounce in her state and chugged it down like it was nothing, her throat burning like fire. She did that a few more times before her teammates decided she had enough.

"Come on, Emily. We'll take you home." Morgan said as he gently grabbed her by her waist and led her towards the exit with JJ and Garcia behind them.

By now, Prentiss was completely wasted, clinging onto Morgan as the 4 of them walked down the street. The bar was close to JJ and Garcia's places so they were going to have JJ's husband drive Morgan and Prentiss home after walking Garcia home. Prentiss wouldn't stop laughing and talking about how she somehow messed things up with Y/N. None of them knew who this mystery girl was but they listened to their dear friend vent about her.

Then Prentiss whipped out her phone and dialled a number.

"Who are you calling?" Garcia asked, concerned. "Emily, I just want to say that drunk calling is the worst. You end up saying things you never want anyone to know, especially you. You're already an honest drunk an- "

"Penelope, did you know that I'm in love? She's the prettiest, smartest, funniest girl I've ever met and I'm so lucky to have her, even if we're just friends. I love her so much!" Prentiss giggled, stumbling and falling onto her knees. "But she hates me. I don't know why and I don't care because, no matter what, I'm gonna love her forever. Y/N means so much to me and she won't even let me tell her that! So I don't give a fuck about drunk calling, I'm gonna call her, whether she likes it or not."

"I understand, Emily, but we need to get you some water. You're wasted." Morgan sighed, lifting her up. JJ grabbed Emily's phone from her and Garcia helped Morgan with their drunk friend.

And so they decided to walk to the nearest Cafe and get her some water.

But what they didn't know was that Y/N was on the other line.

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Meanwhile, you were at a park, thinking about your best friend.

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