Rossi - Love Natural

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by Jasper Sawyer

{Rossi visits you and finds you crying in your room so he reminds you that you're perfect the way you are.}

Today, I saw you all stressed out. You couldn't even leave the house.

He wanted to surprise you because he knows how much you miss him when he's off on a case, especially the long ones that take up all his time like the current one he just returned from. Luckily for him, him and his team managed to crack the case and put away the bad guy earlier than expected. To be honest, it was pure luck. The Unsub got sloppy and made a pretty idiotic mistake. Anyway, that was beyond the point.

Rossi was over the moon when he found out he'd get to go home early. As soon as they landed in Quantico, he went home, showered and got dressed up and ready to take you out to dinner. He knew how much you loved the small restaurant across town and he wanted to take you there.

But when he visited your place and knocked on the door, he didn't receive an answer.

All of this pressure you put on yourself. I think you're beautiful, I don't want nobody else.

Rossi rarely ever uses his spare key without you knowing but he knew calling you would ruin the surprise and you were probably blasting music in your ears like he warned you so many times Not to do or you'd ruin your hearing by the time you were his age. So he decided to use it just this once. Today was important, after all.

Once he entered your small apartment, he searched everywhere for you. The living area, the kitchen, the bathroom and last.. the bedroom. He placed his ear on the door and knocked gently but all he received in return was a sound he knew all too well. Something he rarely heard but absolutely hated when he did. Immediately, Rossi swung the door open and sure enough.. you were lying on your bed, headphones in your ears and scrolling through your Twitter account, crying.

He sighed, shaking his head. It broke his heart whenever you cried. You were such a bright and happy person, like a ray of sunshine, it was rare for you to cry because nothing ever really made you sad. Nothing but 2 things. Rossi leaving.. and yourself.

And even if you let your hair go wild and your feet take a break from your favorite stilettos.

Slowly, as to not scare you, Rossi made his way over to you and sat down on the bed. You gasped, knowing all too well who was there with you. Only Rossi had a spare key and you know you locked the door. Hesitantly, you took off your headphones and sat up on the bed, trying your best to smile, even though you knew Rossi wasn't going to let this go.

"David, you're home early.. " you tried to sound surprised, and you actually we're surprised to see him so soon, but you were just too sad.

Rossi didn't say a word. He took your phone and tossed it to the side, then pulled your whole body onto his lap and hugged you as tightly as he could. You let out a shaky breath and buried your face in his chest, instantly relaxing against him.

"Dave.. "

You're naturally my favorite girl, hands down. And that's how it's gonna be, you and me, so know now.

"Damn it, Y/N.. " he said through gritted teeth, frustration clear in his voice. "One phone call.. just one. I would've been on the first flight home if you'd have just called me and told me you were feeling this way. Why didn't you.. "

A few tears escaped your puffy eyes and you held him even tighter, "I'm sorry.. I didn't want you to see me like this.. " you whispered out.

And it's true. You hated when he saw you in that state. You wanted him to always see you smile because he loves you the most when you're happy.

You don't have to put on makeup everyday and I love your natural hair that way.

Rossi put some distance between you two and made you look him directly in the eyes.

"Talk to me, bella. What's wrong?"

You were extremely hesitant. You didn't want him to hate you for saying what you were about to say. What if he agreed with you and tossed you away for someone better than you? You wouldn't be able to survive that. David Rossi was the love of your life and losing him would mean losing yourself and that would crush you. But not answering him could have the same effect, right? What if he thinks you don't trust or love him enough to confide in him? What if he thinks you're hiding something like an affair?

You'd decided.

You had to tell him.

"David, why are you with me? There are so many beautiful girls out there.. smarter.. more mature.. funnier.. you could have anyone you want but you're with me? I don't get it."

Rossi was on the verge of laughing his ass off. He found what you said to be extremely ridiculous. Last he checked, it was you that chose to be with him. He thought of you as a freaking Goddess and he always believed he was unworthy of your love. In his eyes, you were so perfect that he was absolutely terrified of losing you. Losing you to all of the younger men, losing you to the more successful men and the men that were more handsome.

And yet, here you were, saying hideous words about yourself. He couldn't believe his ears.

"Y/N, my amore, listen to me."

Pretty in the world is your smiling face cause baby our love is natural.

Rossi pecked your lips with his lips, smiling at you with a look of adoration. "You're perfect to me. You're the smartest, sweetest, most beautiful girl in the world and you're the only one who can make me laugh as much as you do. I don't want anyone else but you and I wish you understood how much I love you."

You were surprised, you must admit. Rossi wasn't one to talk about his feelings, he always avoided stuff like that and you'd have to force it out of him. But this was different. He never said things like that to you, not even once in the year and a few months you've been together. It gave you butterflies in your stomach and made your heart do flips in your chest. The smile that grew on your face couldn't be stopped and the tears that slid down your cheeks were now happy tears.

You grabbed David's shirt collar and pulled him close, connecting your lips to his in a sweet, passionate kiss. Rossi gladly accepted the sudden gesture and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer to him.

"I love you so much, Y/N. I want you to start feeling the same way about yourself. Don't ever change and please call me next time you feel this way and I'm not around. I'll drop everything for you." he lectured.

You couldn't help but giggle as you nodded frantically.

"I love you too, David.. but I'm kind of hungry. I haven't eaten since this morning."

Rossi smirked, holding you like a princess as he stood up.

"That's good to hear because I had every intention of taking you out to that restaurant you love so much. How about you get ready and we'll head out?"

"Yes, please! You're so good to me, David Rossi!" you said dramatically, pulling him into one last kiss before heading to the bathroom.

You might not love yourself as much as you'd like to but at least you know that David Rossi loves you enough for the both of you.

And that's all you could ever ask for.


This ended up being the best way to write a song imagine for me, I'm really liking it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! I figured two updates in one day was the best way to apologize for being away for so long! And, again, I'm sorry about that! Anyway, until next time. See ya laterz!


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