Hotchner - Protector

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{Hotch becomes responsible for keeping you safe during a stalker/murder investigation.}

It was extremely terrifying for you and you, being the honest type, weren't afraid to show it. Someone's been stalking you for a few years now. You've gone to the police plenty of times before but they wouldn't do anything because, technically, no laws have been broken. This stalker has gotten as close as standing outside your apartment door before but you luckily weren't there. After awhile, it all became second nature for you.

The constant trembling every time you shift through your mail, expecting a creepy picture of yourself going to work or babysitting your neighbor's kids at the park. The endless phone calls in the middle of the night and having to change your number constantly but the calls start back up again. The fear that he might be inside the house whenever you even hear the wind blow. You're losing your mind but it feels like there's absolutely nothing you can do. That's how you feel on a daily basis and it feels like it can't get any worse than this.

Until it does.

After the 3rd year of being stalked, the people around you start dying off. Guys you'd meet at the bar would appear on the news the next day, strangled with their eyeballs burned out. Also friends and co-workers. You were afraid he'd attack your family too so you locked yourself in your home and wouldn't leave for anything. A few days later, you received a phone call.

"Y/N L/N? This is SSA Prentiss from the FBI. I'm calling about the calls you made to the police."

You smiled, hope bubbling in the pit of your stomach. "You can help me?" you asked, your voice quiet and just as hopeful as the feeling in your stomach.

"Yes, ma'am. Could you come down to the station so I can ask you a few- "

Panic took over, "No! I- I can't leave the house.. he'll hurt someone else."

"Okay, calm down. Everything's going to be alright. Could you give me your address and I'll come to you?"

"I won't answer the door if you don't tell me who you are.. I'm really sorry but I just can't.. "

"There's nothing to apologize for, ma'am. I understand how terrifying this must be for you."

You thanked her and quietly gave her your address. Once you hung up, you couldn't help but feel anxious. What if the FBI can't do anything either? You're sure whoever the stalker is will kill you eventually and that scares you the most. Knowing that your death will be caused by some psycho gave you the chills and made it hard to focus on anything. Drowning in your thoughts and fears, you didn't hear knocking at the door but a familiar voice ripped you from your nearing panic attack.

"Miss. L/N, it's SSA Prentiss from the FBI. I'm here with my unit chief, SSA Hotchner."

You gasped, practically flying towards the door and swinging it open. Your eyes met a very beautiful woman with long, black hair, brown eyes and pale skin and a handsome man with short, black hair, brown eyes and pale skin. The man, Hotchner, was a lot taller than you, you being 5 feet tall and all, and he had a very muscular build to him. His expression was stone cold but you could tell it's just a face. He's kind, his eyes give that away. The girl, Prentiss, was a couple feet taller than you and she was fit, a calm smile and sympathetic eyes on her face.

You stepped aside to let them in and closed the door as quickly as you could, locking it.

"You can sit anywhere, sorry for the mess.. " you sat in your armchair and the feds sat on the couch. "I.. uh.. I'll tell you whatever you want to know. Just please make this stop. I'm losing my mind."

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