Morgan - 8 Letters

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by Why Don't We

{At one of Rossi's beautiful house parties, you hear Morgan (with Prentiss) practicing a love confession for you.}

Being Emily Prentiss' best friend since the two of you were children, you've heard a thing or two about David Rossi's infamous parties. Prentiss always invites you but you're always too busy with work or family matters.

You've met the team and you've grown to know them pretty well but there's never enough time for you to give them so you guys aren't that close which really breaks your heart because Emily loves them so much and you want to be apart of that. You want to be apart of that so badly that, this time, you decided to put off on your work until tomorrow because Rossi was throwing another party and you definitely had to go.

You needed to spend time with the team, for your sake.

Not being close to them is like not being close to half of what makes Emily Prentiss, Emily Prentiss. You needed to be close to all of her like she was to you and you weren't going to let anything stand in your way again. Never again.

And what's worse is that, this time, Emily would not leave you alone. She kept saying you had to go to the party. Just yesterday she said it was of the utmost importance. Who talks like that?

So when Emily dropped by to beg you again, she was definitely surprised when you agreed to go. She was so ecstatic that she helped you find something to wear and she did your hair and makeup.

And here you are, holding onto Aaron Hotchner's hand as he helped you out of Emily's car which was a lot taller than you so his help was very much needed.

"Thank you so much, Aaron." you smiled, Hotch returned it.

"Of course, Y/N. You look lovely tonight. It's great to see you finally decided to join us."

You thanked him again and Emily grabbed your hand, dragging you inside the mansion. You greeted everyone you ran into, including someone you hold close to your heart.

"Derek, hi. You look great." you beamed.

You didn't notice but Derek Morgan was flustered as he smiled wide and pulled you into a hug.

"You came this time. I didn't think you were into parties." he joked to hide how nervous he was.

You've been in love with Derek since the day you met. You were great at hiding it but there was no getting rid of the emotions you felt inside. It's not like you're ashamed of them or anything but you'd rather not inconvenience anyone, especially Morgan, with some silly ol' feelings. He's busy saving the world, there's no way he'd be interested in you.

You giggled, pulling away from the hug to talk to him properly. "I actually love parties but my job had a good grip around my neck.. I decided I needed a break so here I am. Hope that's okay."

"Of course it is!" Morgan exclaimed, "It's not a party without you here, Y/N."

"No! Freaking! Way! Y/N's here!?"

You could hear Penelope's sweet voice from all the way in the backyard and you honesty didn't mind at all. You grinned from ear to ear as you watched her wobble over to you. She pulled you into a breathtakingly tight hug.

"You never show up! I'm so excited! You look amazing!" she rushed out.

"Thank you Penelope. You look beautiful yourself." you laughed out.

And with that, Penelope dragged you away. Emily went off somewhere with Morgan but you didn't question it because you were too busy spending time with Penelope, Reid and JJ. Rossi and Hotchner were chatting amongst themselves.

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