Ch. 5 Kagome's Resolve

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Previously, Kagome and Inuyasha are both left lost for words by Kikyo's declaration.


Kagome felt as if time had stopped, she could not believe what left Kikyo's mouth only a few moments ago.

Kikyo what are you saying? How could you just? How could I?... Kikyo is this what you really want?

Kagome was about to blow her cover voicing her questions out loud, but before she could find the right words to ask, Inuyasha beat her to it.

Inuyasha offensively exclaimed, "What are you even saying, Kikyo?! Does my opinion not matter in this?!"

Kikyo without hesitation with her sharp tongue replied, "Inuyasha, you dare ask if your opinion matters? What opinion do you even speak of? You have yet to make up your mind at all on this matter! This complicated spider web of love between you, my reincarnation, and I may not be entirely your fault... However, your indecisiveness has done more than enough damage close to, if not more than Naraku has!"

It might have been because the being standing in front of him was Kikyo, the woman he wronged years ago, the woman he loved and the woman he still loves, or he knew deep down inside she was right, but either way, Inuyasha truly could not utter another word back at her in his own defense or anything at that matter.

And he was not the only one who once again was speechless, Kagome, also was unable to be expressed in words what she felt towards Kikyo at the very moment.

Kikyo... I had no idea you felt this way and now that I know that this is how you feel... Ah, why do things always get so complicated?! You've tried to kill me a couple of times, literally, drag Inuyasha to hell, and teamed up with Naraku at one point... You've done so many awful things, but... But you're still good. You didn't take away Kohaku's Sacred Jewel shard. You've traveled from village to village helping so many people. Kikyo, you saved so many lives.

Not being able to take her eyes of Inuyasha and Kikyo she continued, And you still love Inuyasha and he still loves you... I may be a teenage high school girl, but I know true love when I see it.

With those last few conflicting thoughts, her mind and heart were made up, Kagome turned away from Kikyo and Inuyasha and did what she deemed was right.

I can't take Inuyasha away from you. I'm not gonna take your only chance of happiness away from you, Kikyo. I'm Kagome Higurashi, I'll be fine. Yeah, Kagome you'll be fine. You'll be fine. Yeah, you'll definitely be fine... eventually... and I'm doing the right thing... look straight ahead and walk away... don't turn around.

Kagome closed her eyes, gathering all the internal strength she could muster, then turned away from Inuyasha and Kikyo. She slowly got up from the previous crouching position and started walking away from Kikyo and Inuyasha.

With each step, her resolve was coming undone and her heart was breaking, so instead of walking, she started running. She ran and ran until she could not feel her legs nor Kikyo's presence any longer.

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