Ch. 13 Getting Naked

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Author's note: I've decided to make the chapters shorter so I'll be able to update more frequently... Sorry, if that upsets anyone. But don't worry, even if the chapters are shorter I will not be sacrificing quality for quantity.


Previously, Naraku and Onigumo have realized the reason behind Kagome's sudden collapse might be because of Onigumo's eyes and their touch seems to ease her pain while she is unconscious. Which has led to the situation progressing to this point, Kagome, one way or another, will end up naked in Onigumo and Naraku's arms.


To have a better range of motion to undress her instead of staying seated beside her, Onigumo moved to sit directly in front of her while keeping his fingers securely intertwined with her. When Onigumo settled into his spot he moved his free hand over to Kagome's chest to began his task of undressing her; however, five minutes after untying the red knot in front of Kagome's chest, Onigumo frustratedly sighed.

I have never laid eyes on such odd clothing before, how am I to be expected to undress her?

Onigumo discarded the red cloth to the side while he continued struggling to onehandedly undress Kagome without resorting to ripping her clothes to shreds out of annoyance.


Yes, Onigumo, Naraku answered with a light note of teasing in his voice.

Unenthusiastically Onigumo swallowed his pride to ask Naraku for help.

How do I remove her clothing, he asked reluctantly.

Naraku was indeed very entertained by Onigumo at the moment because he could see that his human counterpart, similarly him, has changed significantly.

Why not simply use our sharp fingernails to rip her garments off her? Would that not be more efficient?

Onigumo at first was irritated at Naraku because he had thought Naraku was trying to play mind games with him, but he quickly realized Naraku was right.

Why did that not cross my mind, he asked himself while he looked at the unconscious girl sitting in front of him. Immediately, Onigumo used his sharp claws to rid Kagome of her clothes while subconsciously paying enough attention to not scratch her in the process.

The Priestess certainly has abnormal undergarments... Onigumo curiously thought as he examined Kagome's underwear.

Onigumo focus on the task at hand, finish disrobing her. The longer you take to undress her, the longer her temperature will not have a chance to cool down.

At Naraku's remark, Onigumo diligently began striping Kagome of her underwear.

When he has finally removed the last article of clothing off of Kagome's body, Onigumo could not help falling into a slight daze from admiring her completely naked figure. With Kagome's body free for him to see and touch, he did not fail to notice her perky mounds going up and down with every rise and fall of her calm breathing. However, what he noticed most was the faint scar on the lower left side of Kagome's stomach which led to him absentmindedly move his free hand to touch it.

While Onigumo was lightly gliding his fingertips across Kagome's scar he became curious about Kagome's scar.

I wonder how she came to have such a scar...

Knowing that Onigumo was being mildly distracted again, Naraku knew he should remind him that his tasks were not over yet.

Onigumo, focus, now you need to undress our person.

Surprisingly to Naraku, Onigumo humbly answered, Yes, Naraku. And started doing what he was told, without complaint.

First, he removed the fur baboon costume from his person. Then he made quick work of their two-layered kimono which was not that difficult even with one hand, though, untying the obi (sash or belt) was a bit tricky. Lastly, all he had left to strip off was their fundoshi (loincloth or underwear).

Now being as naked as the day he was born Onigumo stared at Kagome's bare body for a moment before directing his gaze to her sweating face.

Naraku, let us see if your plan will work.

Naraku smirked at Onigumo's statement.

Oh, Onigumo have you forgotten who you are speaking to?

Unfortunately, I have not and until the day you purge my existence out of this prison of a body, I fear I never will, Onigumo replied with a tone of disdain.

Hearing Onigumo's disdain driven response only tickled Naraku's twisted sense of humor all the more, resulting with him releasing one of his signature blood churning laughs. While Naraku continued laughing at his reply, Onigumo began maneuvering his body in a way where he could embrace Kagome's body comfortably. In the end, he decided to hold Kagome in a way so that she sat between his legs, her back touched his torso, her bottom was securely nestled at his groin, and her head rested on his chest.

When Onigumo finally settled Kagome in his arms, while keeping his left hand still firmly holding Kagome's hand, he moved his right hand to her forehead to check her temtpure.

After sighing, Onigumo commented, It seems the Priestess temperature has gone down drastically.

Right as Onigumo said that, Naraku realized something.

No... why did it not occur to me beforehand? Naraku muttered to himself.

What do you mean by that, Naraku?

Naraku sighed, We can not leave the wench.

Onigumo was slightly confused by Naraku, Yes, I thought that was obvious.

No, you fool, we 'cannot leave her,' meaning if her condition does show permanent improvement we may have to stay until the sun rises or...

Understanding Naraku's train of thought, Onigumo finished it for him, Or take her back with us.

Naraku sighed.

Yes. However... bringing her back with us is to be our last resort. I do not desire to raise suspicions with her disappearance to Inuyasha or her companions because even if, Inuyasha is incompetent, Kohaku's sister and the cursed boy are not. They will eventually realize it was I was the one behind her disappearance and it will inevitably lead them to the castle. Then, I will ultimately have to end their lives. Where is the fun in that?

Then what do you presume we do, Onigumo asked.

Wait, for now, all we can do is wait and see how the wench's condition progresses.


Author's note: I know, interesting name choice. Please, give me feedback on my work! Good! Bad! Or even grammar corrections! I'd really appreciate it!

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