Ch. 17 Kagome's Dreams

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Previously, Naraku and Onigumo have joined Kagome in unconsciousness.


Onigumo slowly opened his eyes. After blinking a couple of times he realized something was wrong. He cannot feel his body, well he did feel a body, but it did not feel like his. Quickly, he remembered this feeling.

Did Naraku and I switch consciousness, he questioned.

No, it seems as though you and I are within a body of someone else.

Both demon and human men surveyed his surroundings, trying his best to process the strange buildings, noises, and smell that were around him.

Where are we?

I do not know, Naraku answered.

Onigumo continued looking around until he noticed what was happening in front of him.

Why are these young girls talking to us, he wondered.


"Ew, look! Aren't her eyes creepy?"

Stop it...

"Yeah, and I heard she doesn't even have a dad," said another girl.


"Wow really? I bet her dad left her and her mom because of her creepy eyes."

Before Kagome could hold back her anger her mouth moved on its own, "You're wrong! Papa loved my blue eyes!"

Hearing Kagome talked back at them only caused the other girls to laugh. Between giggles, one of the girls even managed to mock, "Oh, really now?" While another chimed in, "And I bet he even said he loved you too."

Kagome knowing that it would be a losing battle to try to talk to such idiots decided she should walk away from the other girls before things got ugly. With that decided Kagome tried to turn around to leave.

But before she could even turn, one of the girls grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Where do you think you're going," she mocked.

Kagome tried to shake the girl's grip off her, but it didn't help, the girl only held onto her tighter.

"Let me go," Kagome spat through her gritted teeth.

The girl raised her right eyebrow, "Or what? You'll make me," she countered with a sinker.

You have no idea, Kagome silently replied within her mind.

Kagome quickly glanced at the other girls surrounding her, checking if whether or not she should fight back.

There's only 4 of them... I could take them. But they'll go cry to their parents and then their parents will go to Mama and criticize her, again, about how she didn't raise me right or something. Argh, you're the ones not raising your kids right yet you have the audacity to criticize Mama on how she's raising me? Go look at a mirror! Okay, breathe Kagome... You can't cause trouble for Mama, so the best plan now is to run. Distraction, distraction, distraction, gotta think up a distraction. Oh got it!

Immediately, Kagome raised her free hand and pointed towards the sky.

"What is that," she screamed in a voice of fake fear.

Thankfully, all the girls bought her facade of fear and turned to look at where Kagome was pointing at, including the girl who holding Kagome's arm hostage. When the grip on Kagome's arm loosened just enough for Kagome to successfully yank her arm away from her, she yanked her arm free. And ran with all her might.

Can't believe it was so easy to trick them, Kagome gloated to herself as she started to create distance between herself and her bullies.


Author's Note: Thank you for 3000 reads, all of you! I'm back! Thank you guys and gals for being so patient with me! And the few of you who commented for me to update, much appreciation to you! Thank you for reading! Oh, and do you like the new book cover? I wanted something bold for a change. Please! Please, give me feedback on my work! Good! Bad! Or even grammar corrections! I'd really appreciate it!

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