Ch. 36 Back Home

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Previously, Kagome was released from the hospital. 


They had greatly taken her by surprise. Kagome had expected Gi-chan and Souta would be at home waiting for her, but she did not expect them waiting at the front door. Right, when she walked through the door her little brother and grandfather were already there to greet her. 

Both lunged at her, "Kagome!" 

Luckily Kagome had prepared herself in time, only stumbling back a little bit from their advances. Kagome being smothered in their embrace started chuckling at their loving antics. As she hugged them back, she reassured them she was alright and that the doctor said with proper rest she will be as good as new. 

Gi-chan and Souta eyed her suspiciously, however seeing Kagome well and smiling decided to believe her. Subsequently, releasing her from their group hug and ushering her towards her room to go get proper rest as the doctor prescribed. 

Kagome's mother followed suit, walking behind Gi-chan and Souta as they helped Kagome up the stairs. When they finally reached Kagome's room, Mrs. Higurashi was able to persuade her father and son to leave her in charge of taking care of Kagome while they continue on with their day. Feeling that they might get n the way of Kagome resting both Gi-chan and Souta reluctantly left Kagome alone with her mother. 

Mrs. Higurashi sighed, "They really can be a handful." 

Kagome smiled, "But we love them just the same." 

With a smile of her own, her mother nodded in agreement. 

After helping Kagome get into bed and tucking her in Mrs. Higurashi reminded Kagome tomorrow would be a school day. She explained, if Kagome felt she was healthy enough for it, she would allow her to go to school. But if she still left unwell then she would prefer her to stay home. 

Grateful, her mother was so understanding, Kagome assured her if she did not feel strong enough to go to school tomorrow then she would stay home. 

Trusting her daughter to know her limits, Mrs. Higurashi was satisfied with Kagome's reply. She bent down to kiss Kagome's forehead and before leaving, she asked if Kagome would rather eat downstairs or have her bring her lunch to her room. 

Kagome completed for a few moments, then answered she would like to have her lunch brought up to her room if it was not too much trouble for her mother. 

Mrs. Higurashi smiled and nodded in approval before leaving Kagome's room. 

Now, alone, Kagome stared at her bedroom ceiling. She has only been home for barely a day and she has already landed herself into the hospital. 

"If this is only day one, how will the rest of my stay be like?" Kagome mused to herself. 

Yawning, Kagome thought it was best to think about this later after she rested. 


"Higher! Push me higher!" A young Kagome demanded with a smile on her face. 

Who am I calling out to, Kagome wondered. 

Yuki sighed, "Alright, but if you try jumping off the swing again we're going home, okay?" 

Kagome was confused, Yuki? 

"Okay! Just push me already!" Kagome kept insisting with much excitement. 

Yuki with much reluctance walked behind Kagome and started pushing her forward while she happily sat on the swing. After a couple of pushes, Kagome was already gaining much height. However, before she could try to jump off the swing, Yuki had blocked her passage. 

"Yuki!" Kagome whined. 

Kagome chuckled at her own childish behavior, I was I really this demanding when I was younger?

"Kagome, if you jump off of that thing, we're going home," Yuki repeated from before. 

"But I didn't," Kagome tried to defend herself. 

"But you were about to. If I didn't stand in your way, you would have jumped," Yuki countered. 


"No, but's, I know you Kagome. And you know why I don't want you to jump from the swing. The last time you did, you sprained your ankle," Yuki explained with sadness and worry in his voice. 

Kagome felt guilty. Her best friend was only trying to keep her safe, but she still kept trying to jump off the swing. 

Quickly, Kagome dug her feet into the ground to stop the swing from moving. When the swing made a complete stop, Kagome got off and rushed to Yuki. 

Kagome held Yuki's hand, "I'm sorry. I won't jump from the swing anymore." 

Yuki smiled, "That's my Chatterbox, always quick to say what I want to hear most." 

Kagome giggled, feeling happy Yuki praised her. 

Kagome asked, "Can we keep playing on the swings?" 

"I don't see why not," Yuki replied as he walked back towards the swings with Kagome in tow. 

As Kagome continued looking at Yuki through the eyes of her younger self she wondered why memories of him have only started coming back to her. From her recently retrieved memories of him, she can tell he played an important role in her childhood. How come she did not remember him until...? Until when? Until she came home? Why does it feel like even before coming home memories of him had started coming back to her? 

Why is there a tightening feeling in her chest telling her something is wrong with her memory? 


Kagome yawned and tried to open her eyes as she stretched her limbs while still laying in bed. After a couple of tries, her eyes finally opened. Judging by the sparse sunlight streaming into her room through her bedroom window, she assumed it was early in the afternoon. 

Feeling the need to check the time she turned to her side and looked at the clock on her desk. As she read the clock on her desk, she also noticed a tray of food next to it. 

Mama must have put it there, Kagome concluded as she got out of bed. 

While she walked towards her desk to retrieve the food her mother had left for her, her eyes could not help wandering to the window. 

He's really not coming, she found herself thinking. 

She did tell Inuyasha she was going home to get some alone time, but she did not he would actually leave her alone. Kagome sighed, what was wrong with her? Does she need time to think about their relationship? Yes. Is she hurt by him? Yes. Does she not deserve time to be with her family? Yes. Then, why? It has only been the first day back, and she already misses him. 

It's because you love him, she found her heart whisper to her. 

"But he doesn't love only me," muttered to herself. 


Author's Note: I'm back! Thank you for reading. 

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