Chapter 41

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Kagome bent down and started putting her shoes on. When her shoes were comfortably on her feet she stood up and placed her hand onto the sliding door in front of her. Kagome straightened her posture before turning around and telling her family she was leaving for school. After hearing her family wishing her to have a safe trip, a good day at school, and to be careful, she opened the front door and left for school. 

Kagome was excited. Her body was still sore in some places and she still had a lot to figure out, such as her feeling towards Inuyasha, her memories of Yuki, and her most recent dream, but she could not deny the happiness she felt at the thought of seeing her friends again. The feudal era was her home away from home, but this was still home. As she approached the steps leading to town, Kagome stopped walking. Her eyes could not help but momentarily gaze at the Sacred Tree. This was where it all started. This was where Kikyo first sealed Inuyasha before dying. Kagome started wondering if Kikyo and Inuyasha did not fall for Naraku's scheme would they have lived happily ever after? Would Inuyasha still want to be a full demon? Would she have ever meant Inuyasha? A frown appeared on Kagome's lips at the thought of her never meeting Inuyasha. 

What would have happened to the Sacred Jewel? Kikyo would not have had it burnt along with her corpse. What about Naraku? Would he have inevitably risen in power? The reason he gained so much power was because of Sacred Jewel shards. If Kikyo and Inuyasha did not betray each other, then Kikyo would not have died, then she would have not had the Sacred Jewel burned along with her body, then even if she was reincarnated as Kagome, she would not have had the Jewel. 

If Kagome did not have the Jewel then Lady Centipede would not have dragged her down the Bones Eater's Well. Kagome would not have gone to the feudal era. She would never have had the chance to shatter the Sacred Jewel, then Naraku would never have had the chance to gain so much power. 

Kagome sighed, why was she overthinking the past again? The past is in the past, she needs to focus on the present. Even if she is a time-traveling priestess in training, there were things even she could not change. All she could do now was gather the remaining jewel shards and defeat Naraku. She can stress about other things another time. 

Coming to terms with her worries gave Kagome the strength to look away from the Sacred Tree and start walking down the steps of the Higurashi Shrine.  As Kagome walked down the steps her mind started wondering how Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kirara, and everyone else were fairing in the feudal era. Knowing them, they must be waiting for her return while staying at  Kaede's village. While Kagome continued looking straight ahead, she could see the train station in the far distance. 

At that moment, Kagome knew she made the right choice. She needed to get away from Inuyasha to think over her feelings. She has been away from home for too long. She needs time to rest and recuperate. Her stay will not be for too long. Three days, after three days she will return to the feudal era. Well, two days, she has already spent one day resting which means she only has two days left to spend time with her family and friends. She only has two days left to be a normal teenage girl before she has to revert back to the Sacred Jewel Priestess who has to restore the Sacred Jewel, defeat Naraku, and save the world. 

As Kagome rode a train to school, like what she did when she rode the taxi cab home yesterday, she actively gazed at the trees, houses, and modern buildings passing by. If she only had two days to be normal, then Kagome was going to make these days count. When Kagome arrived at school, a smile appeared on her face, at the sight of her friends. 

Kagome ran towards her friends as she called out their names, "Ayumi! Eri! Yuka!" 

All three girls stop walking and turned around to see who called out to them.

"Kagome," they all said in surprise. 

All three girls were happy beyond imagination to see Kagome again, and witnessing Kagome running after them caused the girls to reciprocate the gesture. Ultimately, all four girls meant halfway and at the moment of contact, they were instantly in a group hug. 

"Where have you been?! You've been gone from school for four days," Yuka demanded. 

Eri nodded in agreement, "Yeah, are you okay? When I called your family, your Grandpa picked up and said you were really sick so you were resting at home. You said you were throwing up everywhere, high fever, and couldn't even get out of bed to go to the bathroom." 

Kagome felt her eyebrow twitch, why did her grandpa have to go so overboard? He could have said she was sick and ended it at that. He did not have to add throwing up and her not being able to go to the bathroom on her own. 

"Girls, I'm sure Kagome is fine. She wouldn't be here if she was still sick, right Kagome?" 

Kagome mentally thanked Ayumi for giving her an opening to explain herself. 

"Yeah, Ayumi's right. I went to the hospital to get checked out..." pausing to come up with a logical lie, Kagome was quick on her feet, and immediately knew the illness to use as an excuse for her absence. "The doctor said I had the stomach flu. He said to get better I just need to rest and stay hydrated, and he was right. Yesterday I finally started feeling better, so today I decided it was time I come back to school." 

Yuka sighed, "I swear, you're always getting sick lately. Are you sure you're okay?" 

"I'm fine. Trust me," Kagome said as she tried to reassure Yuka as well as Ayumi and Eri. 

Ayumi wanting to direct Yuka and Eri's attention away from Kagome, pointed to their school gate to starting to close, "Girls, if we don't hurry we'll be late for school." 


Thank you for reading! Please, comment below what you thought of chapter or the story so far. Oh, and spelling, grammar, or plot corrections are always welcomed. 

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