Ch. 6 Broken Heart

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Author's Note: If you never heard the song, Rewrite The Stars, before I added a video of it up above. Oh, and before you ask, yes, Naraku is singing the female role while Kagome is singing the male role. I decided swapping their roles would fit the story better.


Previously, Kagome ran away from Kikyo and Inuyasha in tears, while the man in the shadows is still hot on her trail.


As if reality has not crushed her enough, Kikyo words would not stop ringing in her ears.

Really God... why does it hurt so much doing the right thing?

Without much of warning of grey or dark clouds, it suddenly started to rain. Quickly Kagome with her remaining strength pulled herself together and barely made it to under a tree for shelter from the rain.

And really? Now it starts to rain? I bet Inuyasha and Kikyo are enjoying themselves now all cozy in each other's arms... What am I thinking?! I gave up Inuyasha so that he and Kikyo could be happy with one another... So they could be happy...

Tears started falling from Kagome's sapphire eyes.

"If I sacrificed my happiness for their happiness, then... then what about my happiness? What about me? What am I gonna do now?"

Hearing the rain pour all around her helped sooth Kagome's pain because she felt she was not the only one crying.

She did not feel completely alone.

She slowly inhaled some air, exhaled, and started to cry as loud as she wanted. No one would be able to hear her sobs through the rain, she thought, and Kagome would have been right if it was not for there is a man with ruby eyes, wearing a baboon mask, laying in the canopy of the tree she was sitting under.

The man simply laid there up high in the tree and listened to Kagome cry her heart out as though he had expected this from the start.

Humans are such foolish creatures...Even when they fully understand what they do will only bring them pain, they will still do it.

Each tear that fell down Kagome's cheeks and each hiccup that escaped her lips did not go unnoticed by bim.

You foolish wench.

Kagome did not quite know why, but the more she started listening to the rain the more she started remembering a particular song.

'You know I want you... It's not a secret I try to hide...' Why am I thinking of this song, now of all times? Maybe God isn't so cruel to me. Rain always did cheer me up... pitter patter... pitter patter... It's like a spell that can wash away all the pain, if only for a little bit...

Kagome closed her eyes, took a deep breath and started to sing.

"You know I want you.

It's not a secret I try to hide.

I know you want me.

So don't keep saying our hands are tied.

You claim it's not in the cards.

And fate is pulling you miles away.

And out of reach from me..."

A single tear kept running down Kagome's cheeks, but she continued to softly sing the nostalgic song.

"But you're here in my heart.

So who can stop me if I decide

That you're my destiny?!"

As if the lyrics were giving Kagome strength she started putting more heart into projecting her voice. With each word, Kagome was slowly but surely gaining calm of heart, all while the man above her was getting lost in her voice.

Such a soothing voice... she no doubt has a talent for singing, but why do I feel so familiar with this song she is singing?

"What if we rewrite the stars?"

As if on cue Kagome had sung the line that would answer the man's question.

What if we rewrite the stars... Rewrite the stars? How could I have forgotten? This is the exact secret song you would find an isolated place and sing after arguing with Inuyasha. Every time you sing this song it is as if you are declaring your love for him.

After mentally sighing, Naraku added, Wench, even though your heart is broken because of him you still long for that half-breed...

"Say you were made to be mine.

Nothing could keep us apart.

You'd be the one I was meant to find.

It's up to you, and it's up to me.

No one can say what we get to be.

So why don't we rewrite the stars?!"

Kagome took a moment to recollect herself and then resumed her singing, but now her voice had this wishful feel to it.

"Maybe the world could be ours... Tonight..."

Inuyasha, even with his half-demon sense of hearing wouldn't be able to hear me through all this rain... Plus, he has his Kikyo now.

Realizing something, Kagome stopped singing.

I wonder why whenever I'm sad this song comes to mind, it's not like I ever had a singing buddy to spill my sorrows to... Well except Shippー

Before Kagome could finish her thought, someone surprised the living stuffing out of her. Someone started singing back to her.

"You think it's easy...

You think I don't want to run to you.

But there are mountains.

And there are doors that we can't walk through.

I know you're wondering why..."

While the man with a wicked grin on his lips took a long pause, Kagome did not know what to think.

Wow... Like seriously, wow, what was that?! Well more like who was that?! How can someone have such a beautifully smooth baritone?

Combine the fact that Kagome was utterly blown away by whoever was singing and with it raining cats and dogs around her she could not quite pinpoint where the singing was exactly coming from. But at the moment she did not care, all she could think of was how anyone was able to give new meaning to such an already meaningful song. She knew she should not jump to conclusions, but with a voice like that Kagome was could not help but believe the owner of said voice must be a good person.

I know not to judge a book by its cover, well, in this case, voice... But I can feel it. He might not be pouring all his heart into this song like I am, but he's still giving it something I could never give... a tone of sad nostalgia? Like he's not singing for the sake of conveying his love or sorrow, but for himself.

"Because we're able to be

Just you and me

Within these walls.

But when we go outside... "

Where is the voice even coming from? Above me?

Realizing the voice was coming from above her Kagome looked up at the canopy of the tree expecting to see a kind gentleman of some sort. However, who she saw made her blood run cold and her heart stops.

The warm feeling in her heart a moment ago was in an instant replaced with hate and fear. She was too engulfed by her violent emotions to utter even a single word. Nonetheless, the man she was looking at continued his singing with an evil smirk upon his face and never taking his ruby eyes off of her sapphire eyes.

"You're going to wake up

And see that it was hopeless after all..."

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