A part of me

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The next morning I woke up to a screaming baby and queasiness, again. I went to the bathroom and then came out to sooth Allen. After I fed him I checked my phone. I don't know why, but a part of me was hoping that he had called or something. A part of me wanted to call him. Looking at my phone reminded me that I hadn't called my boss yesterday, so I picked up the phone and called him, not knowing what I was going to say at all. "Rachel Berry! Nice to finally hear from you!" He said with anger in the back of his throat. "Sorry I forgot to call last night," I apologized, "I, uh, I guess I can try to come in tomorrow. I'll have my brother-in-law look after Allen and I can come around 9:00am. Is that okay?" I asked. "That's great. I have to go," he shuffled through some papers, "but I'll see you tomorrow." He hung up and I went downstairs. I make eggs basically every morning for Finn and I. A part of me wanted to make four pieces of toast and four eggs, instead of just two. I sat at the table, and watched Allen watch me eat. It wasn't long until I threw up breakfast. "Somethings wrong," I told myself. "Why do I keep throwing up?" I questioned. A part of me just thought it was nerves, another part of me knew what it was, and it wasn't nerves.

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