Part 1 - Age of Ultron - Prelude

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(A/N- This is the character's outfit. Her hair is not cut this way but is shown on the cover. Enjoy this chapter!)

I lay on the cot placed in my room while staring at the ceiling in boredom. There isn't much to look at. I have three concrete walls, the being glass so the soldiers can keep an eye on me. Well, I do deserve it, since that annoying force field is still holding strong. Why do I need a force field you ask? Well, let me explain.

You see, I've been a Hydra agent ever since I could remember. I made my way through the ranks and was named their deadliest assassin alongside the Winter Soldier. I think I was only 10 at the time, so I hope I didn't know any better. To be completely honest, all I can understand of my past was that obedience meant food and a warm bed. I still don't remember what that obedience is to this day. 

However, my hard work and title still weren't enough for Hydra. They didn't want something deadly or powerful to control, Hydra needed someone who could be both. Soon after my graduation, I was taken to one of their secret labs in the mountains. It all goes blank there. I remember basically waking up and having these abilities. Telekinesis and gyrokinetic powers. Another slot in my memory. Soon, they gained access to the quantum realm and they had the bright idea to shove me in there. I was afraid the first time but after a little while, I got used to it. I don't know why I remember this, it seems that I have forgotten everything else.

From that realm, I gained the ability to phase through objects, living or not. Back to the school, I went where they said I went through even more training. All I have to remember it by is the mantle of the most dangerous person in Hydra at the age of thirteen. I should be proud of myself, they say. How I've persevered is something to look up to, my trainers instill.

But at the center of it all, my mind screams to remember all the things I've done when my memory goes blank. A pang of unforetold guilt follows me around like a shadow, threatening to take away everything that I have worked for.  I don't know why they haven't just brainwashed me and turned me into a zombie-like they did James. They still let me remember some things. That is a mystery that I haven't cracked.

A soldier taps on the glass suddenly, turning my attention to the reality in front of me. I scan him for a split second before getting out of my cot and walking over. I shove my hands in the pockets of my army green jumpsuit and give him a look of disinterest, causing him to scoff at me. I'm still a spy after all.

"You are being relocated to a facility in Sokovia. There you will train the Maximoff twins as well as safeguarding Loki's sceptre from any threats. The second half of your mission is to remain classified. Change into your uniform, we leave in five minutes. Are we clear, soldier?" 

I stare defensively at the man, obviously not wanting to leave my haven. But eventually, I respond.

"Yes, sir," I say, my voice at its usual monotone pitch. 

Just then, the hatch beside my bed opens and my uniform is dumped on my cot. Once I hear it close, I glare at the soldier until he leaves the room so that I can change. Once he leaves, I strip out of my previous outfit and leave it on the floor beside my cot. I pull on the outfit, securing all of the belts and buckles into place. After I secure my boots to my feet, I lift one foot and using my abilities, push the small knife out from the heel. Then, I pull the blade in I repeat the action on 

Shakily, he opens the glass panel for me to leave. I look to him and see him holding a rifle in his hand, just for me. Walking over to the soldier, I take the gun from him, standing at his side.

"Scared are we?" 

"Quiet," he seethes at me.

He gives the signal to disable the force field and soon we are on the tarmac where a jet is prepared for our departure. Before I board the craft, the soldier escorting me turns me towards him.

"What is your mission?" he asks.

"Protect and train the Maximoff siblings," I state.


"And safeguard Loki's sceptre from potential threats." 

The soldier nods at me before letting go of my arm. I nod back at him and board the jet, strapping myself to its side in preparation for taking off. Something feels off about this mission but I know that I have to obey orders. And that is what I intend to do. 

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