Chapter 15: The Accords

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It's been a few months since Dad's MIT expo and it feels like everything is going downhill. 

A mission carried out in Lagos went terribly wrong. Half a building full of people died thanks to Rumlow but instead of blaming him, the world blames us. The Avengers were supposed to protect and now most of society only sees a threat.

Because of this, the Avengers were paid a special visit by General Ross. He gave us the Sokovia Accords and talked to us as if they were God's gift to man. But it was only man's way to have a sense of control. Earth would be vulnerable without us on our guard... but the world is going to be vulnerable with or without us. 

Half of me tells me to fight against it. That it isn't what Earth as a whole needs. But the other half understands. I, once, was the thing the Avengers were fighting against and people were afraid of me. My horrible past is already known to the public and whatever trust they have in me will disappear if I go against the Accords. And this agreement is meant to protect both the people and us... right?

As my head continues to fight with itself, my eyes watch the switchblade that is spinning in the air. It's constant movement giving me a sense of calm outside of the chaos that repeats in my head. Suddenly, the switchblade is removed from it's suspension by a very agitated Nat. I turn my head and give her a playful glare.

"Didn't your Dad say you weren't allowed to train?" she whispers, obviously teasing me.

"Floating a switchblade in front of me is not training, Natasha." I whisper in return. 

Before Natasha could come up with a comeback, I hear Dad say the name that I heard in the halls at the MIT building. I twist my head in his direction to see a picture of the dead man, a bright smile on his face. Looking at the picture, all I feel is resentment and hate for myself, forcing me to look away as Dad explains his history.

Steve and Tony quickly jump right back into arguing about the Accords as my patience begins to wear thin. I discreetly lay my hands on my lap and watch as the veins that run through my arms slowly turn the light purple that guards my hands. Nat must have seen the glow of my hands since she takes her own and wraps them around mine, concealing the light in her palms.

Even though her  gesture was kind, the panic I felt still didn't go away. I slowly slip my hands our of hers while giving her an apologetic look. Then, as quickly as I could, I left the room and made my down the staircase. 

I push myself into a corner where the staircase takes a turn as the uncontrollable beating of my heart begins to pick up. I feel as if there is not enough oxygen in my body and my breathes begin to quicken. My arms instinctively wrap around myself and my hands burn me once again. The only I could do was put them on the ground in front of me and wait for it to be over. 

After a little while, my breathing returned to normal and my hands no longer were trying to burn me. I still felt jumpy and panicked, but it was better compared to how I felt a few minutes back. Staying in the hallway was the best option for me and so I sat in my corner, weighing all my options. 

The door to the staircase opens without warning and Steve comes running down the staircase. I stand from my corner and meet him halfway. Once I was close enough, I say tears running down his distraught face. 

"What happened?" I ask. 

"She's gone." he whispers.

"Who's gone, Steve?" 


I didn't have any comforting words or any helpful advise. All I could do was wrap my arms around him and hope that my simple gesture gives him something to lean on. 


It was late at night when Dad and I returned from the facility. After a brief goodnight to him, I quickly ran into my room and shoved my face into my pillow. Before the comfort of sleep could take me into it's fragile arms, my phone vibrates on the table beside me.

As I swore a string of expletives, I reluctantly picked up the phone and unlocked it to see a text from none other then Peter.

As I swore a string of expletives, I reluctantly picked up the phone and unlocked it to see a text from none other then Peter

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I softly laugh at the boy and how nervous he got about my Dad. As usual, I went and grabbed the restocked first aid kit from my bathroom and wait on my bed for Peter. Soon enough, I see the masked hero appear by my window. With the simple flick of my wrist, I open the window while still scrolling through my Instagram. 

Peter swiftly enters my room and removes his mask to reveal his face battered and bruised. A few cuts line his body, but they're not nearly as bad as when we first met like this.

"You could've patched yourself up at this point, Parker!" I tease, knowing that the boy doesn't know the first thing about first aid. He could tell you how he makes his web fluid down to the specific ionic bonds. But when it comes to first aid he can barely put on a bandaid. 

"Maybe I just wanted an excuse to see you?" he says while sitting on my bed.

"Smooth, Parker. But you need to take your shirt off so that I can patch you up." I reply.

Peter slowly removes his red hoodie, the dried blood causing pain every time he tries to remove the cloth from the wound. Eventually, the cloth is gone and I get to work. 

"And I'm pretty sure the last person you want to see tonight is me." I say, while patching up his chest.

"Why do you say that?" Peter asks.

"You could be hanging out with normal people like Ned or your Aunt. But instead your stuck here with the crazy girl with powers because I'm the only one who knows your secret. Therefore, I'm the only who can patch you up." I explain with speed. 

I then feel Peter's callused hand lift my head up, forcing me to look him in the eye.

"Normal people don't understand what it's like to be a hero, you do. Normal people don't understand the amount of loss I've gone through, you do. Normal people don't make me feel comfortable every time I talk to them, you do." Peter says with confidence.

"There's no one else I'd rather hang out with at midnight after having my ass handed to me." Peter chuckles causing the both of us to burst into a fit of giggles.

We soon recovered from our fit of laughter and I was able to take care of the rest of Peter's wounds. Not bothering to leave my bed, I simply float the kit onto the counter of my bathroom while Peter put his shirt back on. 

Over the next few hours, Peter and I talked about our days. Both of us ranted about the lows and celebrated our highs. Soon the pink glow of the sun rising filled my room.

"I guess there goes another night of no sleep, huh?" Peter jokes causing me to chuckle lightly. 

"I know that feeling." I reply.

"When are you coming back to school?" Peter asks.

"Well, tomorrow I have a funeral and after that I have to sign the accords. So probably... never." I say.

"You can't avoid school forever." Peter points out.

"And who says I can't?" I ask.

"Me!" Peter yells while running towards my window. I run after him but he escapes my room before I could do anything. 

I watched Peter swing across the New York sky line and an uncontrollable smile made it's way across my face. As long as I had Peter Parker in my life, I knew that everything would be okay.

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