Chapter 23: Visitation

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I quickly fell asleep to the repeated sound of the helicopter blades cutting through the air. Unfortunately, it was the same thing that woke me up, the sound getting louder as we landed. I woke up in a panic, my first thought being of attack. But once I looked outside, I instantly calmed down and prepared myself to deal with General Ross. 

"Remember, keep your cool. Ross is already pissed off. Let's not make that any worse." Dad reminds me.

"I'll try my best." I say while turning towards him. "But no promises."

"Sometimes I wonder if it's a blessing or a curse that you inherited my sarcasm." Dad half-jokes but I still chuckle. 

The helicopter lands into the prison, General Ross waiting for us a few feet away from the tarmac. Dad and I both climb out and it takes all the energy I have to put a polite smile on my face. 

"So? Did you get the files? Let's reroute the satellites and start facial recognition for this Zemo guy." Dad says.

"You seriously think I'm gonna listen to you after that fiasco in Leipzig? Your lucky you and your daughter aren't in one of these cells." he spits while walking away. 

My vision gets the tiniest bit blurry because of the pure anger and frustration flowing through me. The blurriness soon fades and I walk behind the general with Dad, not ready to see my friends behind bars. 


Walking into the room of cells, I see my best friend in one of them. She has a similar collar that I wore to suppress her powers and her arms are wrapped in a straight jacket. Tears form in my eyes and a sudden sense of guilt enters me. Dad walks towards the others but I walk towards Wanda. I crouch in front of her cell, tears still in my eyes. Wanda doesn't even move a muscle. 

"Wanda... I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen to you." I admit as I scan her over. Wanda ignores me.

"Look if I could make this situation any different I would, but I can't. We had to choose our sides and I chose mine. I'm not sorry for siding with the accords. But I am sorry for sending you here." I rant.

"If you're not sorry for signing the accords," she croaks while turning to look at me. "You're not sorry for locking me up here." 

I bite my lip hard as I fight back tears. Staring towards the ground, I stand up and look at Wanda one last time. 

"I only signed for the people and because when the endgame comes, I know I'll be ready to fight." I say confidently before walking away.

I meet Dad in front of the door leading to the cells, the both of us walking out with emotionless faces. 


"Starks? Did they tell you anything about Rogers?" General Ross demands.

"Nope just told me to go to hell!" Dad yells back.

"And they didn't even respond to me!" I add.

"We're going back to the compound instead but you can call me anytime!" Dad says while climbing into the helicopter. I climb in after him and before I close the door I yell:

"He'll probably put you on hold. He likes to watch the line blink." 

Before Ross could answer I slammed the door and we began to take off. Once we were high in the air, Dad begins to take his arm brace off. I look at him in confusion.

"What are you doing?" I ask. 

"Going to help Steve. Put your finger in there." Dad answers as he points to a certain part of the console.

I do what he asks and I feel myself be enveloped in armour. But not just any armour... my armour. A mask then spread across my face and towards the back of my head before turning on to reveal Dad's usual interface. We are then ejected out of the plane and both of us start to fly off. Thankfully, the thing was on auto-pilot cause I would have crashed.

"Since when did you make this? And how is the fabric not bursting into flames?" I say through the comms.

"I was just bored one night. And I created a synthetic fibre that is both fire and burn proof so that the thrusters don't hurt you. By the way, where is my thank you?" Dad answers, ending with a joke.

"Thank you, Dad." I drawl.

"Your welcome, Bitsy."

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