Chapter 29 - Is This My Life Now?

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2 months later...

I thought this is what I wanted. A simple quaint life, like the ones you see in movies. Being a normal teenager seemed so much easier than being a superhero. I thought it would be better...but damn was I wrong. Every day is the same. It's like my life is just one day repeated over and over again.

Waking up in my bed at the same time as always, I quickly get up and open my blinds to see the sunrise over Manhattan. The view never ceases to amaze me. After a few minutes, I quickly get dressed and head out to where Dad usually is this time of day. He leans against the kitchen counter talking with Pepper, a cup of coffee in hand. His hair, as well as Pepper's, is a mess. At least they had fun last night.

"Mornin, Bitsy." Dad says with a smile.

"Looks like you two had fun last night." I comment while grabbing a yogurt from the fridge.

"She's definitely your daughter." Pepper says to Dad, a mad blush across her cheeks.

"Don't worry. I didn't hear you guys." I reply while sitting on a stool and eating.

Dad and Pepper talk about other things that I usually don't listen to as I eat. Looking around the room, I check to see if all the exits are still secure. I go over my escape plan over and over in my head in an effort to calm the voices in my head. Memories soon overtake me and before I know it I'm trapped again. They replay over and over and I can't escape. I didn't even realize Dad was crouched in front of me.

"Bitsy, it's okay. You're safe." he says. I quickly touch my face to find tears and I begin to shake.

"I-I'm sorry." I stutter. Dad quickly stands and wraps me in a hug as I continue to shake.

"Don't apologize over something you can't control. It's going to be okay though, I promise." Dad replies while placing a gentle kiss to my forehead. I simply nod.

"Maybe you should take a day off today, Erin." Pepper says from behind Dad. 

"No." I say while pulling away from Dad. "I have to go to my algebra test and make sure Peter doesn't get his ass handed to him again." 

Quickly walking past them, I grab my backpack and head to the elevator doors. Dad walks behind me with a small case in hand and gives it to me. 

"Your contacts have been updated with all the latest Hydra agents that have been found. Also, the iris looks a lot more realistic." 

"Thanks, Dad." I say while putting them in. As soon as they are in place, the interface appears in my vision and scans around the kitchen. It locks onto Dad and Pepper's faces, the message "No Threat Detected" appearing beside them. 

"The iris seems to have changed perfectly. Are they working on your end?" Dad asks.

"Yup, looks like everything is going okay so far." I reply.

"Okay. Have a good day today, Bitsy." 

"You too, Dad." 

And with our final words, I step out of the building and make my way to school.


Hundreds of students pass by from behind me, some chatting with others some not. I quickly look through my books that are neatly stacked on my locker shelf, looking for my science textbook for the next period. But it seems to have disappeared and I'm running out of time.

"Finally." I mutter as I pick up the textbook. A white piece of paper flies down from the book's pages and I bend down to pick it up while closing my locker.

I then quickly walk over to my last class of the day, sitting down in my usual seat towards the back of the class. Looking around my location secretly, I unfold the small piece of paper and read it. 

Need help with homework tonight. I'll have a sandwich from Delmar's with your name on it.


With a small smile etching, it's way across my face I pin the note to my binder and listen in to my teacher's lecture. Not even five minutes in and I was bored, so I let my mind wander. And it wandered straight over to Peter. 


I practically ran into the tower after school, only giving Dad and Pepper a quick hello before disappearing into my room. Throwing my backpack onto my bed, I search my closet for a new outfit that doesn't smell like the school. I find one quickly and change into it, throwing my dirty clothes in the laundry bin. Just as I am about to leave for Peter's house, I hear a quiet knock at my door.

"Yeah?" I say nonchalantly and Pepper walks in, closing the door behind her.

"You owe me one." she says with a smile and sits on my bed. "Your father wanted to talk to you about why you are leaving so soon and that would've been an awkward situation." 

"How?" I ask, trying to cover up my lie. 

"You are carrying folders labelled homework when you never have homework. You're constantly leaving the tower around this time every day and you always come back in the happiest of moods." Pepper answers with a smirk. "You're seeing someone."

I look towards the ground and bite my lip. Gently laying my folders on my bedside table and sitting beside Pepper, I reply:

"Maybe. I don't know. It's something new for me...for both of us."

"Well you're happy with him right?" she asks. I nod.

"You two are being safe?" I nod again.

"Then talk to him about it. Open up about how you feel. And I know that's hard for you but trust me, it makes all the difference." Pepper reassures me. 

"Thank you, Mom." I say with a smile. She wraps her arms around me and I return the gesture, holding her as tight as I can. 

After a few moments, I realize what I said. But she hasn't said anything. In fact, when we pulled away from our embrace tears were pricking at her eyes. I guess today wasn't another dejavu day.  

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