Chapter 12 - Grief

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A/N - I kind of had to improvise this scene since AOU doesn't show that immediate aftermath of Sokovia. Thanks to my fellow marvel geek for giving me this idea, but I can't tag her since she doesn't have a Wattpad account.


Another note, this chapter is the second to last chapter before the end of Part 1. Don't worry, this isn't the end of the book, but it will be a little while until Part 2 is released. (Close to the start of December) This is where I need my reader's opinion! Would you like to see some bonus chapters after I end Part 1? They would mostly consist of fluff between Erin bonding with the other characters. Leave a comment and let me know! Until next time.

Happy Reading!


I wake up from the darkness that clouded my vision, but my mind remains foggy. My body feels loose and free like I'm floating in the air.

'Am I dead?' I ask myself. Soon enough I realize that I'm not, but that I truly am floating. My thoughts quickly return to me, causing instant panic. My eyes shoot open and I'm greeted by a horrifying sight. I'm suspended in mid-air, all the rubble and debris from the fight floating with me. I frantically whip my head back and forth and I catch a glimpse of the fire. That's when I realize that the hunk of rock I'm on is hurtling toward what's left of Sokovia. And then I remember what Tony said. We have to cap this hurtling rock off, but the city will explode with me on it.

Before I could react, a stream of light runs from under the ground. It glows straight through the dirty earth and the light gets brighter. There is no way I can escape this rock. And I'm pretty sure no one is left on here to rescue me. So, I do the one thing I can always rely on...

I fade.

As I let my body fade mid-air, all the stress from the fight, all the sadness and anger I felt over Pietro's death, fade's with it. A few boulders pass straight through me, the heavy matter taking hits at me already low energy. Suddenly, the entire floating city explodes from underneath me. As gravity's hold releases the tiniest bit, all the flying debris picks up in speed and I fall with it.

With my body intangibly falling to the ground, I close my eyes, hoping to hit the ocean nearby. I pray that I survive this, I have so much left to do. But hey, I guess there are worse ways to go.

And as if my prayers have been answered, I feel the salty waters roughly swallow my body, it's comforting embrace letting the floodgates of relief wash over me. Without a second thought, I become solid again and swim to the water's surface. With my first breath from the watery terrain, I see a large figure drop beside me. I swim towards it to see Thor emerging to the surface, taking a deep breath like I once did.

"Thor!" I yell and his head whips toward me. He quickly swims over and grabs me in his tight embrace. Without a word spoken between us, he lifts me from the watery depths and begins to fly us upwards. We soon land on the Helicarrier and my earbud comes to life.

"Anyone have eyes on Erin?" I hear my Dad ask, panic filling his voice.

"Negative. She wasn't on any of the boats." Steve pants.

"She's not on the Helicarrier either," Natasha adds.

"She's gotta be somewhere! I can't lose her again!" Tony yells into the comms, his voice breaking. "God damn it!"

I soon spot Tony as he sits on the tarmac of the large ship. He has his head buried in his hands, his broken suit laying next to him. As I get closer, I can hear painful sobbing emit from him. A sudden urge comes from deep within me, and I run over to him. I collapse behind him and wrap my arms around his broken figure.

"I'm right here, Dad. I'm not going anywhere." I whisper.

He quickly turns around, despite my strong hold on him, and hugs me as tight as he could. We hold each other in a tight embrace, relief washing over the both of us. I bury my face into his neck, wanting to block out the world for just a moment. Despite the long battle, I still smell his signature cologne that brings me comfort. Sobs began to wrack my body as the events of today play over and over in my head like a broken record. I helped the Avengers save the people of Sokovia and destroyed Ultron. But it came with a price.

"He's dead, Dad. He's gone!" I weep.

I feel Tony tentatively place his hand on my head as he quietly shushes me. Even with his comfort, a steady stream of tears makes its way down my face. What is this emotion that I'm feeling? Why does it hurt so bad? Is this what grief feels like? I quickly begin to panic, wanting the aching feeling from deep within my heart to disappear. It takes all of the energy that I have left to contain my power. I feel the burning sensation in my arms tell me that my veins had now changed colour.

"I'm scared, Dad. I don't know what to do." I say.

"It'll be okay, Bitsy. I promise." Tony whispers in my ear. I grip onto him, the pain of grief a pain I never want to feel again.

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