Chapter 40 - Glimpses

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A gasp of air. A blinding light. The feeling of power...and the feeling of pain. 

My eyes readjust to my surroundings and the wave of nostalgia that hit me was tear-jerking. 

I'm in the quantum realm...

The spectrum of colours all dance around me, staying far out of reach. Dead silence surrounds me as well and my mind isn't scrambled. It isn't racing or panicked. It's at peace. For the first time in years, I can hear my thoughts through the static. 

But as I look down at my hands, the pain comes rushing back to me. With a tiny wince escaping from me, I reach for my regulator and gently pull it away from its container on my head. The tiny green light blinks slowly. It still has power but for some reason, it isn't working. I wince again as I put it back in place. And that's when I notice it.

Holding my hands out in front of me, I see them fading in and out. Going from rapid to slow. My hands still act like they're solid, but it feels like I'm being torn between two places. Like half of me is missing. And I don't mean that it in gushy romance way. I literally feel torn apart. Then it hits me. 

The snap... half of me must be existing in the quantum realm. Shit...

Suddenly, a sound fills my ears. Like a rock striking against flint. Looking up from my hands I see familiar sparks dancing around me. The ones I saw in my room not too long ago. Shakily reaching out, I touch one of them. It wraps itself around my finger and drags my hand towards one of the other sparks. I touch the second spark with my opposite hand and it does the same as the one beforehand. 

When I go to pull my hands away, a window opens and I'm looking at the facility. Tears instantly filled my eyes when I see Dad walking off an odd looking ship, nothing but skin and bones holding him together. Cap runs over to him and helps him stand upright. Before he could even get a word out, I hear Dad whisper: 

"I lost the kid." 

A look of remorse fills his face and it feels like an anvil is being dropped on me. The same look appears on Dad when Steve says:

"I lost her, Tony. She's gone."

Dad crumbles to the ground as tears stream down his face rapidly. Pepper rushes over to him and holds onto him tightly as sobs visibly rack his body. Steve sheds a few tears as well, but Dad loses all composure. 

"I lost her again." I hear him whisper before the portal closes on me. 

"No..." I whisper. "No, no, no."

I hold my hands out to two more of the sparks and open another portal. This time I see Dad looking like himself again. But in his arms is a small bundle. On his hand is a wedding ring. Time has obviously passed. Looking at the baby in his arms he quietly speaks.

"Hey there, little miss. Welcome to the world." 

Tears fill his eyes.

"I wish your sister lived to see you. She would have been so happy to meet hold you. But I will tell you about her every day. How brave she was. How loving and sweet she would be. And she will always live on in your name Morgan. Morgan Erin Stark."

The portal closes again. 

"Come on!" I yell in frustration. But when I look around all the sparks are gone. No more portals. 

A drowsy feeling begins to overwhelm me but I fight it. I will not die today. While my efforts were strong, it's power was stronger. My vision begins to blank out and as I fall asleep, the feeling in my body changes. Like I'm being stitched into a whole person. The pain leaves, but the power stays. Then a similar, Wakandan accent fills my mind.

"Erin! Wake up!" 

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