Chapter 31 - A New Threat

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A/N - Extra long chapter for you guys! But please read the note at the end of the chapter since it is super important!! 

In an attempt to become more like a teenager, I decided to make a few friends in the school outside of Peter. I don't know how, but MJ and I were quick friends. Despite the fact that she knew I was Erin Stark. I tried my best to lie, but she saw right through it. Thankfully, she promised to keep it a secret. Ever since we spend our lunches together sitting in silence while reading our books or quietly debating certain aspects of life

"Dude you seriously need to expand your horizons!" she exclaims.

"You know parties are not my scene. What if something goes wrong?" I reply.

"You can spend your life thinking that way or you can take a risk. Besides, didn't your Dad send you here to learn how to be a teenager?"

Her question stumped me. I sat there with my mouth open as I tried to stutter out a rebuttal, but in the end, MJ won. 

"I cannot believe an introvert has convinced me to go to a popular girl's lame party." I mumble.

"Brighten up buttercup. Besides, it can't be that bad." she says with a small smirk. I just playfully roll my eyes and continue my book.

Soon enough, the bell rang to signal the end of another day and I ran outside to find Peter. After a quick glance around, I found him in his usual spot with his hands tucked in his pockets. Slowly sneaking up behind him, I place my hands over his eyes and I feel his cheeks rise as he smiles. 

"Guess who?" I ask.

"Hmm..." he says while pretending to think. "Iron Man?!" 

I laugh at his stupid joke and remove my hands as he turns around. A small smirk is on his face and I feel a small blush begin to form on my face. He gently takes my hand in his and we walk the streets of New York. 

"Did you hear about Liz's party tonight?" I ask him while leaning against the wall of the elevator. 

"Yeah," he says with a small sigh. "Liz invited us in gym because Ned couldn't keep his mouth shut about me and Spiderman."

"Oh, does she know you're him?"

"No, but she thinks I know him." he answers and I sigh in relief.

"I'm going to the party with Michelle if you need backup." I say with a smile.

"Okay where is Erin and what did you do with her?" he replies with a grin and I laugh softly.

Together we walk into the apartment and say our hellos to Aunt May before quickly escaping to his room.  As I dig through my bag looking for something to wear, Peter plays with some of the options available on his suit. I turn around to make sure he is preoccupied before pulling off my clothes and replacing them with a new outfit. Turning around, I see Peter looking at me and his jaw might as well have been on the ground.

"Oh god, what did you see?" I say while hiding my blushing face in my hands. 

"N-nothing," he stutters while walking over to me. "I just saw the back of your bra, that's it." 

"What's so jaw-dropping about my back?" I say with a giggle.

"Everything about you is jaw-dropping." he whispers while holding me close to him, causing me to blush harder. 

A knock at the door causes us to separate quickly and I rush over to my makeup to try and hide my blush. Aunt May opens the door and quietly walks in, looking between the two of us with a noticeable smirk. 

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