Chapter 28 - A Little Longer

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A/N - Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates again. It's been a stressful few weeks for me and my family and I haven't had the heart to write. But, I'm back now with some new chapters! These next few chapters are going to get very interesting so stay tuned!

Erin's outfit for this chapter is posted above.

Happy Reading!


"Are you sure I cannot convince you to stay any longer, my sister?" T'Challa begs from beside me.

"I'm sorry, T'Challa! But I have to be back in America soon. There is school and work with my Dad that I need to tend to." I reply.

"And how soon is soon?" he asks. 

I groan and he smirks at the fact that he's beaten me. 

"Fine. One more day. But then I have to return to my responsibilities." I say.

"Understood," T'Challa says with a smirk. "But until then I will show the beauty of Wakanda." 

I nod and smile genuinely at him, excited to see what Wakanda has to offer when it isn't trying to kill me. Suddenly, Nakia joins T'Challa's other side and a cheeky smile instantly grazes his face. Nodding towards the following Dora Milaje, I venture off from the pair but not too far.

Walking past the different buildings and stalls, I smile at the variety of different items and foods they provide. So much was happening around me, but at the same time, it was in unison. It was peaceful. Looking around in the crowd, everyone had smiling faces and said hello to their neighbour. And it was refreshing.

I then feel a small tug on my skirt and I feel my eyes instantly turn purple. Looking down, I see a small girl in bright orange traditional clothing look up at me in awe. She wasn't afraid. She was curious. Slowly dropping to my knee, I smile at the girl as I feel my eyes continue to glow. 

"Your eyes are very pretty." she comments.

"Thank you." I say with a smile. "What's your name?" 

"My name is Asha!" she replies.

"It's nice to meet you, Asha. I'm Erin." I say while giving her a small hug.

"This is for you. It matches your eyes!" she says as she pulls away with a beautiful water lily in hand. Gently taking the flower from her hand, I place it in my hair and smile.

"Thank you." I whisper. The girl nods and looks behind me, causing me too as well. Her parents come rushing towards us, a worried look on their face.

"We are so sorry! She must have run off again." the mother says.

"It's okay. No need to worry." I reply while standing. "It was nice meeting you, Asha."

"You too!" she says while quickly running off.

Nakia soon left T'Challa's side and he took me to see his best friend's baby rhino. While I gently pet the babe who was giant already, the two of them talked privately. Soon, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder and turned to see T'Challa with an alarmed look on his face. 

"What is it?" I ask in concern.

"Someone of great concern to Wakanda has popped up on our radar. We might need your help." T'Challa answers. 

"Of course I will help, brother. But who is it?" I answer.

"Ulysses Klaue."


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