Chapter 9 - The Fight

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A/N - Imagine the purple air around Erin's hands when this symbol appears -> *.

After much debate, the group finally decided on a plan of attack. Tony was going to Oslo, Nick and Banner would head back to New York, and the rest of us were to find where Ultron was in Korea. I was one of the first dressed back into uniform, even after a lengthy goodbye to Laura, so I went downstairs to wait for Steve when I ran into Fury. Quite literally.

"I'm sorry." I apologized with awkward laughter, stepping backwards to put more space between us.

"That's fine, Agent," Nick says. I look up to him in fear and anger, my fists clenched at my sides.

"How did you know that?" I ask.

"Once I had your old name, I had some of my contacts do some background research on you. Let me say, you're not as innocent as you come across." Nick explains.

"So how come you've trusted me to help the Avengers? Why not put me somewhere that won't affect the mission?" I question.

"It takes a lot for a person to change as fast as you did, especially with your history. I believe that there has always been a shred of good in you and you've finally found it. That's why I trust you." Nick answers confidently. Before I had the chance to ask anything else, Fury walked away and I was too surprised to follow him. I soon hear Steve and Tony talking by the front door so I quickly made my way towards them.

"You know I really miss the days when the weirdest thing that science ever created was me." I hear Steve say as I stand beside Tony.

"Not everything can be about you, Captain." I quip.

"You know, now I see the resemblance between you two," Steve admits. Before I could get another word in, Fury interrupts.

"I'll drop Banner off at the tower. Do you mind if I borrow Agent Hill?" he asks.

"She's all yours, apparently." Tony sarcastically answers.

"What are you going to do?" I ask Fury.

"Something dramatic I hope," he replies with a sly smile on his face before leaving our conversation.

"Alright Erin, we better get a move on," Steve says while walking towards the door.

"She'll be right there," Tony says for me. Once Steve had left, Tony turns me towards him, a serious look on his face.

"Are you sure you can stand up to Ultron?" Tony questions for the millionth time.

"I used to argue with my leaders back in HYDRA. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine." I joke but Tony doesn't laugh.

"I'm serious, Erin. I can't lose you again." Tony whispers. Pain fills my heart as I look at the broken man in front of me. The one who just wants to be a father again. I reluctantly place my hand on his shoulder, the feeling of my hand against his shirt making me feel warm with comfort.

"I promise to come home safe... Dad." I whisper, the last word being too difficult to say. Tony looks me straight in the eye and a familiar hope fills them. He suddenly grasps onto me tightly and I realize that he is giving me a hug, I slowly wrap my arms around him, returning the gesture he gave me. Once we leave our embrace, Tony says:

"Go kick some ass."

And with those words, I leave Barton's home.


After hours of sitting on the uncomfortable seats, we finally made it to Korea. Steve and I are now standing at the opening of the jet, waiting for Barton to drop us off at a nearby overpass.

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