#11- Home

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"Wow- she's so... I just can't find any words for her. I need to keep calm and act normal, but how- that smile, those eyes, those beautiful chocolate brown locks. She's so beautiful, but she can't know that, Regina would kill me.", Emma thought as she looked at the young Brunette eating the food Emma gave her. "You okay?", Regina asked and smiled at Emma. "Yes.", Emma replied quickly and an embarrassing silence broke out. After some minutes of Embarrassing, A knock at the Door finally ended the silence and Emma rushed to the Door and opened it. "Hey!", Regina welcomed Emma and walked into the apartment right to her younger self who looked asking at her. "So, come with me, I'll teach you how to use your magic without becoming evil.", Regina said and looked down at herself, but Emma couldn't hold a little smile back, Regi nodded and all of them went out of the apartment back to Regina's House.
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"First, Catch that ball.", Regina ordered and the brunette nodded quickly and motivated. Regina snapped her fingers and her younger's wrists and feet were tied down, then Regina shot the ball softly into her direction. "Arhhhh!", Regi yelled, fell down on the ground and the ball landed on her head, Her older self started laughing very hardly. "REGINA! THATS NOT FUNNY! ARE YOU OKAY?!", Emma yelled and ran to the brunette and cut the ropes at her Wrists and feet while Regi nodded softly, Regina just rolled her eyes annoyed at Emma. "She needs to learn it, you can't help here but get her some water, it's really warm here.", Regina said annoyed and Emma nodded as annoyed as her friend, then she left.

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"What the hell did I just do?! I wanted to act normal around Regina but that wasn't normally after all! Damn it Emma!", Emma thought as she entered Regina's tall house to get water as she wanted. She went to the kitchen, got the water in 3 glasses and was about to leave the house again as she saw Henry walking into her Direction. "Hey Kid!", Emma said happy and hugged him. "Hey.", He replied with a serious voice. "Do you like hook? Like as more than just a friend?", he asked seriously. "NO! Absolutely not!", Emma almost yelled just a few seconds after Henry asked. "Okay.", he said and laughed about her reaction, then Emma decided to go back outside to the two Regina's.
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"REGINA! I told you not to do this!", Emma yelled as she saw Regina holding her younger self tied up in the air. "She needs to learn it.", Regina said but decided to leave her as Emma stood in front of her, quite serious and Furious.
Regina let out a little scream and fell down, down into Emma's strong arms which cough her. "You okay?", Emma asked softly while looking into Regina's brown eyes. She nodded softly, Emma snipped her fingers and the Ropes disappeared. Emma smiled softly without even noticing that her friend had left to look after her Son. Emma dropped Regina off and poofed her to the apartment again. "Thanks.", Regina said quietly as they arrived. "For what?", Emma asked and smiled at the brunette. "For showing me that using Magic doesn't mean to be evil.", Regina Answered And a big smile Appeared at Emma's face.
You can take my bed if you want to.", Emma said and sat down on the couch. "You sure? I mean it's your home?", Regina asked unsure and Emma nodded happily, so Regina went to Emma's bedroom and laid into the Bed.
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"Wow-just wow. You must not think like that Emma! She's younger than you! And she's the younger version of your friend! Stop thinking about her Emma!", Emma thought as she laid there, on that Bench and waited to fall asleep. She couldn't help it but thought about the feeling to kiss her, she thought about holding Regina in her arms and about the soft kind of her skin, she didn't knew much of true love but she knew how she felt when she was with Regina-She felt home.

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