#12- Training

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At the next day at 6am
Emma moaned as she got up after a long night. She didn't sleep much, she always had to think about Regina, she didn't want her to get hurt by saving them all and breaking the curse, she didn't want her to feel betrayed when they'd tell her she'd need to kill someone and Emma didn't want her to be alone if she finds out who Zelena really was. Emma went slowly to Regina who was still sleeping peacefully in Emma's bed. "It's all going to be fine. I love you Regina and I'm not sure how long I can keep this from you, don't ever feel lonely or cold because I will always be here and you will always have my shoulder to cry on. I love you and I always will.", Emma whispered while stroking Regina's hair out of her face. Emma knew Regina wouldn't hear her saying that but she needed to say these words to her, even when she doesn't know she did. Emma began to play with Regina's long brown hair and actually had the wish to kiss her-but no- she couldn't do that, the risk of her waking up was too much. "MOM!", Henry yelled as he entered the apartment and Regina woke up quickly. She looked around herself  unoriented until she saw Emma sitting next to her. "Hey Regina, my mom, you, your older-Whatever, she wanted me to tell yo to come over for another lesson. And Mom, Gold said he'd want to talk to you.", Henry explained exhausted and out of breath. "Umm Okay.", Emma said and after Regina nodded, She poofed the brunette to Regina and herself and her son to Mr. Gold's shop where he was already waiting.
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"I'm gonna go to Hook.", Henry said and left the shop quickly. "You wanted me to come?", Emma asked as Gold finally showed up. "Yes, do you think it's clever to keep the secret about Zelena from Regina? And I want her to show some things too, you're an savior just like her so you maybe can help her.", Rumple said and Emma nodded nicely. "I don't think it's good, I'm sure that if we don't tell her Zelena will use that against us and tell Regina at the wrong moment to make her weak. Otherwise is Regina right, Regi wouldn't ever kill her Sister which means she'd get hurt or killed.", Emma replied worried. "You're right, we shouldn't tell her like Regina said, Zelena must get destroyed and that woman is the only one who can do it.", Gold said agreeing.
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"Can't we take a break?", Regi asked exhausted after Regina made her fall on the ground once again. "So you think the Wicked Witch will take a break for you? Come on, you're learning fast so don't give up.", Regina said strictly and a fireball appeared in her hand. "Wait-What are you going to do?!", Regi yelled and got up quickly. "We spent some hours with fending off things, so, stop that fireball from burning you.", Regina said and threw it into her younger's Direction. Regi screamed and hided behind her hands scared. After a few seconds she took a look and saw the fireball in front of her, she did it, she stopped it from coming closer.
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"Did you ask her, boy?", Killian asked exited as he saw Henry entering the ship cabin. "Yes, but she said no, really quick.", Henry replied feeling sorry for his friend. "Do you know if she's into someone else?", Hook asked and looked at the boy closely. "Umm well-Umm She was sitting pretty close to Regina today as she was asleep, Mom played with her hair and talked some stuff I couldn't understand, I wouldn't know more.", Henry said without expecting the meaning of this to Killian. "Okay, thanks Buddy.", He replied and Henry nodded nicely. There was a short silence which got interrupted by Henry's phone ringing. Regina was calling him, Emma and Gold to go to her House.

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