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Some hours went by quickly but at 11:37pm they heard some sounds from the outside. They couldn't see from the window what it was so David decided to walk out of the Station to look. As he entered the Building, there was Zelena, he tried to run back inside to warn the others but Zelena threw him away from the Door, at the wall. She made a gesture and David fell to the floor without moving. She made another one and changed her look into his Ones, then she walked inside again. "It's the wicked Witch!", Zelena yelled as she came back. "Okay- Mom and me stay at Regina, You go.", Emma said and ran to the Brunette. "No Emma. They need you there, me and Hook can get her out of the building, there's a secret Way to get At Regina's house, we'll get her there.", David/Zelena said and Emma nodded. As she and he others went outside, Zelena turned back and Hook smiled evilly. "NO! PLEASE DON'T! EMMA!", Regina yelled but also fell to the floor as Zelena made a gesture. "Nice here. Now kick me to the floor so it looks like you'd have got me, there is a way indeed but it's leading into the forest, not wide away from your Castle.", Killian said and Zelena did as he wanted. She carried Regina on her shoulders and left.
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"DAVID!", Mary Margaret screamed and rushed to him. "Zelena! Where is she?!," David asked and got up slowly. "OMG! REGINA!", Emma yelled and ran back inside as fast as she could but it was too late. "Hook! What happened!", Emma yelled but Hook didn't move. "Emma? Where are they?!", Regina asked as she and the others also came back. "They're gone. And Killian doesn't wake up.", Emma yelled. "Hey Emma, it's okay. It wasn't your fault.", Snow tried to calm her down. "IT WAS! I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. I SHOULD HAVE STAYED HERE WITH REGINA!", Emma yelled. Regina walked closer to Killian. She made a gesture with her hand and Killian woke up again. "Bloody Hell", He said and put his hand at his behind head. "What happened?!", Emma asked loudly. "David turned into Zelena, Regina was screaming your Name and I tried to fight Zelena but she made a gesture and I fell down at the floor, I tried to keep my eyes open, I saw Regina falling into her arms and then, Zelena carrying her away on her shoulders, I couldn't see more, my eyes closed.", Killian explained and stood up slowly at the same time Emma left quickly and Henry went after her. "Mom?! Mom wait!", He said and ran after her. "Not now kid.", Emma said and kept going. As Henry finally reached her, he hugged his mom closely. "Mom it wasn't your fault.", He whispered and let go. "I know. It's just, she's hurt and so innocent. Zelena will kill her or do even worse things to her.", Emma said and couldn't hold back her tears anymore. "Listen Mom, We will find them.", Henry said and hugged her again.
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"How are you about it?", Robin asked and pulled Regina into a hug while kissing the top of her head. "I'm fine, but also worried, what if I die too? Or what if she dies and Zelena won't be stopped. Rumplestiltskin said she'd be the only one to break the course and defeat Zelena. I don't want to loose you", Regina cried and Robin stroke her back. "Shht. You won't ever loose me Regina.", Robin said and kissed her passionately. "I love you, we will get through this.", He said and kissed her forehead softly.
At that Night, Snow and Charming we're staying at Emma's and Henry and Robin were at Regina's.
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"I should have known Zelena would do this, I should have protected her. My mom and Dad are sleeping in my bed but it still looks so empty without her. How did Zelena even know about Regina being in Storybrooke? Where is Regina now and what will Zelena do to her?!", Emma asked herself but she couldn't get an answer of any of these questions.

Cursed by the Wicked WitchWhere stories live. Discover now