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The next Morning at 7.19am
"Anything?", Regina asked Emma who sat next to her and looked out of the window of the barn just like Regina used to do it the day before. Regina couldn't remind her of going to bed but she woke up next to Emma so she definitely felt asleep even though she didn't want it at all. Emma denied with a small gesture and Regina nodded thankful that her Sister didn't kill her young self that night. "We should get her to Storybrooke today, after she saved Snow.", David said as he went to the two Woman and Snow nodded and joined them. "There. She's leaving the house already.", Emma said in surprise and pointed at Regina's younger self who was leaving the house in her riding clothes. "That's The moment after my Mother told me to take another Riding Lesson with Daniel, We need to open the enter again before she or Daniel is here and get that something is wrong.", Regina explained and flicked her fingers, then they could hear Daniel's voice outside and decided to hide again. They looked at him as he took the two horses out of the barn, obviously one of them was for Regina and the other one for him, as he leaded them out to Regina, they rode away happily. Regina reminded that Moment, she reminded how lucky and happy she was, and she couldn't help it but she needed to think about how stupid she was to save the Small Snow who was still responsible for her Lover's death. "Where are they going?", Emma asked and interrupted Regina of reminding her past. "They go to a tree, that was a thing of me and Daniel you know. Snow will ride besides us and gets into trouble, I will save her, her Father will ask me to marry him, Daniel and me will try to escape from my mother and she will kill him.", Regina explained annoyed but also sad, Emma just nodded without saying a word not to make it even harder for her friend.
- - - - - -
In the afternoon, The coach of the King showed up like Regina explained before, in the meantime as he asked the young brunette to marry him, Emma, David, Regina and Snow made a plan. They Decided to "kidnap" Regina and get her to Storybrooke before Zelena could kill or even hurt her, so they waited until the King was gone again and Regina met with Daniel to tell him her bad news. They were about to take her with them after Daniel leave the barn, 'the adults' clearly had a better chance to get the young brunette to Storybrooke then Zelena had, at least-they had Regina who still could remember every single moment with Daniel even though it had been years.
- - - - - -
As the stable boy left the barn, Emma decided to lock the Door by her magic again, before the young Brunette could leave. "That's not funny Mother.", Regina yelled against the Door. Mary Margaret nodded to her friends and they went out of their hiding place, then they walked slowly into Regina's direction while she was kicking against the Door quite loud, as loud that her Mother could hear it and made her way to the Barn. Regina pointed out of the window at Cora and whispered Emma to hurry up before her Mother would see them and attack them. Emma just nodded and walked closer to Regina who didn't even notice that she wasn't the only one in the Barn. As Emma was close enough to her, she took her by her arm and held her wrist with the other hand, Regina screamed up as she saw Emma and the others behind her and tried to free herself of Emma's Strong hands and as Cora heard her Daughter screaming, she ran to the barn and unlocked the door quickly. "I will take care of this. Do what we came for.", Regina said and moved herself protective in front of Emma, Snow, Charming and her younger self. "We won't leave without you.", Emma said and pushed The young Woman to Mary Margaret who held her tight as Her Daughter did before. Emma stood next to Regina now and both let a fireball appear into their hands to scare Cora off.

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