#21-(Re-) Training

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"Sorry-I'm late.", The young Brunette excused as she entered Regina's house and saw her older self. "It's fine but don't let it become regular, water?", Regina asked with a strict tone in her voice. Regi nodded and Regina took out and handled it over. "Thanks. So, what are we going to do first?", She Asked and Regina raised an Eye brown at her, she leaded her outside and a fireball appeared in her hand which made Regi take a step back in fear. "I won't hurt you, I want you to use your own one.", Regina said annoyed and the brunette stepped closer again. "You need to concentrate and well, let out some feelings. You need to think about something dangerous or scary, which mostly is the one you fight but you can also think about some one worse.", Regina explained and waited for her younger self to try. As She tried there was an unstable Fireball, she could hold it maybe a second but then it disappeared again. "That was quite good but if the fireball appears you still need to think about that person. You also need to stay strong so you can hold it.", Regina said still with the fireball in her hand. Regi nodded and tried as well, that time it was a better one and she could held it longer but still not long enough. "Maybe you need Some motivation.", Regina said and turned herself into Zelena. "Attack me, don't worry about me, you can't really hurt me, but attack me before I attack you.", Regina said and her younger self nodded and tried the fireball again. That time it was strong and Stabile, she could finally hold and control it. "Now throw it there.", Regina ordered strictly and pointed at the part of the garden nothing important or exclusive was, The brunette nodded but couldn't throw it away, she tried again and again but it didn't work so she looked questioning at Regina. "You need to be strong, think about things like fighting that person, think about that person coming closer to you to Rip your heart out or worse.", Regina taught and also let the fireball appear again, she showed Regi how to let it go and how to control it, then the Brunette tried as well and it worked. "Well you're a quick learner but still, there's some work in front of us, now go and take a break, we've been here since some hours.", Regina said strict and her younger self ran inside the house again. As she walked to the fridge to take out some water again, she saw Henry's storybook. She looked in and skipped the pages until she was at the part Zelena was in. She shrunk back as she read it and Ran out of the house, back to Emma's apartment where Emma was. "Hey, how was the training?", Emma asked and turned to her crying love. "Hey, What's wrong Regina?", Emma asked and hushed to Regina. "Z...Zelena she...she's my Sister. Why did you all lie to me??", Regina cried out and shrunk to the floor. She covered her face with her hands and Emma took her into a hug softly. "I'm sorry Regina. I should have told you. I should have protested against the idea to keep it from you.",Emma said and took Regina's hands into her own ones. "You thought I'd be too weak didn't you??", The Brunette cried out. "Regina didn't want to tell you so Zelena couldn't use it against you. I'm sorry. In my opinion you're not weak, I think you're stronger than all of us.", Emma said and pulled her into a closer hug. Regina rested her head on Emma's chest and cried so all out. "I'm sorry. I won't let Zelena hurt you, she wants to kill you and she'd have used all things she knows about you, against you.", Emma said and kept stroking her back. After some time Regina was tired of crying and just closed her eyes, she fell asleep on Emma chest. They just sat on the floor like this, Emma didn't want to move anyhow so she wouldn't wake Regina, she felt so sorry for her but sh was also glad Regina knew. Emma put out her phone and texted her Mom, the only person who understood her and always helped her.
- - - - - -
E: Mom?

MM: Yes Emma?💚

E: It's about Regina....  she found out about Zelena being her sister, she fell asleep some minutes ago but I wanted to ask you what I should do now

MM: She probably feels betrayed and hurt so, Show her you care about her, don't talk about the curse or Zelena expect Regina asks you or starts the theme. Be there for her, she will need you when she wakes up💚

E: Okay, Thanks Mom. Dinner's still on?🍽

MM: Yes Emma, At 6:45pm if you and Regina are fine with that?🌷💚

E: Yes, sounds great. Can't wait! Thanks again❤️

MM: No thanks Emma, that's what a Mother's for💚💚
- - - - - -
Emma put her phone away again and looked down to Regina. "She looks so peaceful.", Emma thought and laid down to the floor softly.

So, a longer part again
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