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i don't know why madelaine wanted my sister to stay here because they honestly aren't even that close . they only really met a few times since i've been around . maybe they have gotten closer who knows but i'm curious because there has to be something up their sleeves .

so after my parents left , the first thing i did was got into the shower with madelaine . it was fun but it was just a shower . she saw me naked earlier but i'm still not ready for that last step which would mean being intimate with her . i'm just so scared and insecure that i've never been with a girl . anyone really .

"hey baby could you pass me that towel ?" madelaine asks . pointing to the towel i bent over to get it and she hit my butt really hard which made me drop the towel . i stood up straight and turned to face her and saw her biting her lips .

"what the hell was that for ?" i said slightly pissed off considering the thought i just had of being scared to do it with her, i don't think my mind will be changing anytime soon .

"i just missed you . your body too , when you gonna let me get some of that ?" she bit her bottom lip and pulled me into her by my towel .

"no time soon cutie ." i said with a light smile . i could see the frown she didn't let come out . she looked me deeply in the eyes and gripped my towel really tight and jerked me into her lips . i moaned a light moan into our kiss and i felt her smile into it . i can't lie , that roughness turned me on . i've never really seen the "top" side of mads .

"don't get too cocky . you and celina have something going on and i'm going to figure out y'all s little plan or whatever this is you guys have up your sleeves ." i said pointing my finger in her face .

"it was just a kiss babe i swear it meant nothing !" she hollered .


"oh ... you didn't know about that yet . it just kind of slipped out . i'm sorry i've been feeling guilty about it all day and me and her were planning to tell you . we're sorry ." she rambled on .

"stop —" i put my hand up in her face .

"baby please just listen—" she tried to explain .

"get out ." i pointed to the door and watched her way out . i didn't cry about it . i'm sure she wants to explain everything . but i don't want to hear it right now . i just wanna know how the fuck can my own sister kiss my girlfriend ? like how fucked up is that ?

i need to call someone about this . and looks like i'm calling my mom .



      what the hell have i done . i potentially just lost me only happiness over a fucking immature ass mistake i made . my god i hate myself .

      i'm sitting in my car not knowing where to go because well , this is our home . i don't have any place else to go . i know she probably doesn't want me there so i drove to the nearest hotel and checked myself in for one night . i laid back on the bed , put a pillow over my face , and screamed . as loud as i could . after that got out i just started crying . i cried until i fell asleep .

6 missed call(s) from Celina 💗

Celina 💗
I'm guessing she found out about the kiss .. she kicked me out the house and told me to come be with you . What i want from you is just to go to the house . Make sure she isn't hurting herself please . I know this whole thing is horrible but we have to do something to fix it Mads .

      i can't just go back there . she doesn't want to see me . i'm gonna call her . hopefully she answered .

      the phone rings and rings .

      "hey ! it's vanessa . sorry i couldn't take your call right now but leave a message if it's important !" beep .

      "v please . just hear me out . i really want to explain to you . i love you so much the least you could do it hear me out . we've been through so much and we can't let this break us up . call me back please ."  i hung up and threw my phone .

      life hates me . i got up to look at myself in the mirror . i looked through the cabinets and the drawers and i found a blade . should i ? i need it . i need to do this . i don't deserve her . i just hurt the most precious thing in the world . i just hurt her so bad . i betrayed her trust .

      i was just about to slide the blade across my wrist until i got a phone call .

     "dammit !" i called out . i put the blade down and went to get my phone . it's vanessa . i answered the phone as quickly as possible .

      "hey ." i said calmly to cover up the excitement and the sadness .

      "where are you?"

      "a hotel ." i said

      "come home . i miss you but i'm still mad at you so don't think you're in the clear . you'll be sleeping in the guest room until further notice ."

      "deal ." she made me smile . i missed her too . i just really fucked job

      "did you scream ?"

      "you know i did ." i giggled .

      "did you cry yourself to sleep ?"

      "oh bae you know me so well ." i sat down on the bed relieved that i'm hearing her voice right now .

      "what were you planning to do in a hotel ?"

      "well i figured you didn't want to see me and —" she cut me off .

      "i never meant for you to leave . get out meant just get out of my sight right now . i thought you were going to just sit in your car like you always do . anyway just get home . we need to talk ."


guys i'm alone / single / with no friends and i'm addicted to fortnite 😭 HALP !

(sorry for any errors !)

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