exciting news

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Uhh I'm so happy today has I've been waiting ages to tell people

Today's the big can't
Wait for u to see it ❤❤
5409💬 4'027 107388❤


Jonah: yo what's your big news

Tegan :
Can't tell u yet u have
To wait

Jonah: but I can't wait I
Need to know

Tegan :
well u can't so wait till 4

Jonah :
But it's so mean u cant just
Making people wait

Tegan : oh so your not
Making people wait for your
Album to come

Jonah :
That's different it takes time

Tegan :
And how do u know I'm not bring
Music out

Jonah : well are u


Jonah : ok

Tegan : tall in a bit
Hot last minute meets
And then I'll meet u


onah : ok see u in a bit. ❤❤

I just finished my last meeting and now I'm about to meet Jonah on his own

Tegan.: bye guys I'm meeting Jonah
Bry: what on your own
Tegan : Yh
Bry: is anything gonna go down between u to
Tegan : nope I'm not ready for a relaship
Bry: your Hanna have to get over him
Tegan: I swear to god if your talking about chance I am well over him
Bry: ok well if anything happens so be safe
And with that she gave me a condom
Tegan : I don't need that
Bry: just take it

I walk out with condom in my hand head to the uber Jonah's in

Jonah : uhh why have u got a ......
Tegan : ohh...uhh... bry gave it to me and said be safe but I did tell we won't need it
Jonah : Yh oh thank God I thout u wanted to u know
Tegan : uhh no thanks I'm not having my fi
Jonah : wait u have never u know
Tegan : uhh no I'm waiting for the right person
Jonah : Yh I wish I did that but I just wanted to get it over an done with
Tegan :Uhh nice well can we stop talking about IT
Jonah: Yh sure I don't want u to get awkward that much more
Tegan : so what did u want to do today as u dragged me out and if it's about my news u just have to wait
Jonah : no it's not I want to take u out for lunch
Tegan : what I'm not hungry tho
Jonah : I think u are u Tummy is going crazy
Tegan: Yh but I'm not my tummy hurts
Jonah: but food might make it better
Tegan : how about this we go for lunch u eat and I get a smoothie or something
Jonah: ok what ever u want
Tegan : thank u

We get in restraint Jonah orrders

Jonah : so what kind of food do u like
Tegan : well I'm veggie so I do t want meat
Jonah : how do u not eat meat
Tegan: I've never liked any meat so I just said I'm not eating anymore so have veg
Jonah: wow I can't last a day with out it is that why u didn't eat when Tyler order the chicken platter thing
Tegan: yes and no as I said I didn't feel well that day
Jonah : ok

Jonahs food come and it look horrible

Tegan : I'm sorry I've got to go to the bathroom
Jonah : ok are u ok
Tegan : Yh fine

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