part 31

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We were waiting for the others to arrive me and Daniel were at the entrance bit seems like we were waiting ages bit it was only 10 after a couple more minutes we see a big car pull up and see all the boys getting out they see us and hug me really tightly

Corbyn : I can we go up and see Kai
Tegan : Yh

We all get in the lift even Zach he just wanted to be up there

Zach : so is she going to survive
Kayla : they don't know it's a really slim chance she will making it due to all the pills and alcohol in her system and then all the cuts she done were really deep so she lost a lot of blood
Corbyn : we can't lose her do u know why she would do it
Tegan : um look throw brys phone
Jonah : that's her phone why look throw it
Kai: to see if she was getting bullied or anything like that but just look at the chat with a guy named Liam

U hand the phone to Zach with that all the boys gather all around the phone after about 5 minutes the finish the whole chat
Zach : so this guy rapped her
Kayla : by the looks of it Yh
Zach ; and do u know if she's pregante 
Daniel : Yh she's having a baby but We don't know if it will make it because if bry dies the baby dies aswell so they need her to stay alive for a least 19 more weeks whitch is hard she's in a coma not sure if she will make it
Jonah : we need to find this Liam and kill him we can't have brys parents in danger or even bry is in the hospital because they can't keep an eye on her 24/7
Kai: Leave it I added him on Snapchat and he's got his maps on so I can see where he is aswell as the police so leave it Jonah
Jonah : why would u add the man who made bry do this
Kai: idk maybe to see what he looks like and see what his back life is like
Jack : that's crazy u need to leave him and let police deal with it
Kai: I know but I wanted to know what he had what I didn't because bry cheated on me with him
Corbyn : and did u see anything
Kai : nothing but if bry makes this I'm not talking to her again
Kayla : well that my be hard because she might not ever speak again because she cut her speaking box
Corbyn : that will be hard because she can sing really good
Tegan : I know I just want her to survive and I'm sure all of u do
Zach. : I do I will miss her if we don't get to see her again
Tegan : well when ever the doctor stop doing bloods and things we can see her then
Zach : I really need to see her
Tegan : well this lot have been here since 2.30am and me and Dani have been here since 3.00am we all need to see her
Kai: I don't want see her again
Tegann: don't say that
Kai: I don't the only reason I'm here is to see if my kid is ok
Kayla: Kai u don't mean that u love bry
Kai: I did but that was until she broke my heart into a million pieces mean I said how much I loved her everyday and all the ways she made me feel
Trsiatn  : well maybe one day u can learn to forgive her
Kai: no if she makes it and the baby dose she isent seeing it because she is already an un fit mother mean she tried taking her own life while she thought she was pregante
Trsiatn : don't say that she would be a great mom mean for god sake Kai she was rapped last night and didn't know how to cope
Kai: I don't care she could of spoke to somone befor doing all of this
Kayla : Kai STOP how would u feel if some random girl tryed getting it on with u and u didn't want to and she still did
Kai; I would feel horrible but not as far of taking my life
Kayla: how would u know that it never happend to u
Kai : I just know
Tegan ; if that was me I would of though of killing myself just going throw the pain would kill me to much that I would think about it
Kai : stop ok I don't care I just need my baby to be ok even if I haven't met it yet it's my blood my family
Kayla: and bry will always be apart of that family because it is half her aswell
Tegan : kaylas right no matter what happens that baby will be apart of bry and if bry makes and the baby doesn't think how heart broken she would be if she found out something u and her made died it would kill u two and all of us because we are all family and we all stick together
Kai: I know we are all family and I'm sorry for being angry it's just idk how to deal with all of this
Tegan : we all don't but were here to help each other throw it all we stick together
Kai : ok
We all sit down on the chairs out side of brys room waiting for when we can go in to see her

Doctor : a couple at a time can go see her just don't touch her or anything in there
Brys mom : ok me her father and Kai are going in first and u guys pick who's going in next
Jonah : I think Kayla Tristan and Tegan should go in next then Zach jack and Daniel then me and corbyn
Kayla : Yh I think that's a good idea

After about 10 minutes brys parents and Kai come out u can tell they had all been crying
Me Trsitan and Kayla all stand up and walk into brys room and see her laying there with all these tubes hanging out of her body and see blood bags and ive all been pumped into her

I look at her all pale and blood all over the sheets
I look at Kayla and Tristan crying I can't help myself but Bry as well

Tegan ; hey when u wake up in going to spoil u and your baby so much
Trsitan : me to and I'll protect u and the baby from anything
Kayla : if u can hear me i just want to say I love u bry  we all do so please stay strong and wake up soon we all need u

I walk out the door and leave them 2 in there I can't look at her much longer with out feeling like I was gonna pass out or be sick in there

Daniel : hey u ok
Tegan : I can't be in there and look at her I feel like I was gonna pass out or be sick
Daniel : it's ok She would understand
Tegan : I know it's just hard seeing her like that she's all pale and has blood a over the bed
As I finish talking Kayla and Tristan walk out
Daniel Zach and jack all walk in

After 2 minutes Daniel walks out
Daniel : I can't do blood  well
Tegan : I know I think that's what made me feel worse just looking at her in the blood
Daniel : Yh I know what u mean bu...
He runs to rubbish bin and is sick in it
Tegan ; oh Daniel are u ok
Daniel ; Yh..give me a ....sec
He says while leaning over the rubbish bin
I put my hand on his back rubbing it back and forth
Tegan : are u done or are u gonna be sick again
Daniel : no I'll be fine now
Tegan : u sure
Daniel : Yh

He walks to the chairs and sits down resting his head on the wall

Zach and jack walk out and then Jonah and corbyn walk in

Tegan : do u think everyone will be ok
Daniel : I think if u give them time they will be ok
Tegan : I just hope this is all a dream and soon u will be wakeing me up from a night mare
Daniel : I was hoping for the same but once I saw bry I knew this wasent a dream and that it was real
Tegan : Yh normally in my dreams I wake up befor I see something bad but it's all real my friend is in a coma
Daniel : Yh she is and it's horrible

He puts his hand on top of mine so I turn my hand around so we're holding hands

Jonah and corbyn walk out and sit down on the chairs

Brys mom : if u want u can go and I'll can u guys if anything changes
Trsitan : are u sure we can stay and u can get some rest
Brys: mom : No u go rest and eat were tell u if anything changes
Kayla : ok We will come back soon
Brys mom : ok but please rest and I'll tell u when to come back
Tegan : ok but please call of anything changes
Brys mom : I will no go
Kayla : ok

We all walk out and I get in Daniels car and others get back into there car and we drive back to the armaments and we walk into Daniels and we sit on the sofa in silence

Tegan : I've just realised I'm still in my pjs
Daniel : oh Yh u are
Tegan : how could I forget I'm in my pjs
Daniel : well a lot is going on at the moment
Tegan : Yh there is
Daniel ; we need to eat
Tegan : I'm not I can't think of eating food at the moment
Daniel : u need to eat to stay strong
Tegan : I know but I can't
Daniel : later u are eating but I'll have a couple waffles
Tegan : ok

Daniel makes his waffles and eats them
Tegan : I'm going to sleep for a bit
Daniel : ok do u want me to join
Tegan : up to u
Daniel : I'm gonna join we woke up at 3 am and it's now 7pm we need more sleep
Tegan : I agree but I'm going to sleep and when I hear my phone off in staying up until I get told what's happing
Daniel : things might not changed for a while
Tegan ,: I know but now it's the waiting game. Now
Daniel : Yh it is

I head to Daniel room and get in bed Daniel gets out his cloths and gets in bed
Tegan : do u feel better
Daniel : Yh I just feel a bit cold and bad throt
Tegan : do u need anything
Daniel : no let's just go to sleep
Tegan : ok have a good sleep
Daniel : u to love u
Tegan : love u more
Daniel : in possible
Tegan : not really it's simply I love u more then u think
Daniel : no I love u to infinity and beyond
Tegan : me to night
Daniel : night

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