part 36

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Daniels pov
After about 3 hours I see her finally move her hands and her eyes flicker open
Daniel : some one go get Dylan
Keri: I will
I walk over to her
Daniel ,: hey u gave us all a fright there
Anna : u did because when Daniel was on the phone with mom he was crying
Dylan and my mom come in
Dylan : how u feeling if good put your thumb up if bad thumb down
We look at her hands and they point down
Dylan : and can u write down on this bored what's wrong

My throut burns it's like on fire and when can i talk again

Dylan : ok I'll get u something for your mouth and u will be able to talk once we take the tubes out

She nods her head as in ok

Tegans pov

I can't believe this I need to talk i need to move I want to see bry

Corbyn : do u want anything

I grab the bored and Wright

Please don't take this in a wrong way but can i be on my own for a bit

Daniel : I'm not leaving u I want to stay

Please I just want to be on my own

Keri : if they leave can i talk to u


Keri : right leave

They all leave

Keri : please don't shut people out at this moment u need as many people as u can around u because we all love u like your our blood mean I haven't seen Daniel this happy in ages I can tell he really loves and cares for u

I love him to like so much but I just want to be on my own I'm really tired and I really don't want to annoy anyone

Keri : u won't annoy anyone they all care about u so much they just want to be there for u

I know thank u but can u do me one thing and see how bry is

Keri : Yh I'll ask how she is and do u want the others to come back in

I nod

Keri : ok I'll be back in a sec take care

She walks out and the others all come back in

Anna : can we stay a bit longer
I nod
Daniel : good I love u so much
I love u to I love all of u
Everyone : love u to

After a while Keri comes back in

Keri: she's hasent changed at all still the same
I nod again

After a little while longer the night gard tells them they have to leave but Daniel stayed

Daniel : I know I said I would go home but I'm not leaving u now not until your all better
Ok thank u for sticking around and I'm sorry if this annoying u me having all theses problems
Daniel : it's not annoying me I just want u to get better
Me to
Daniel : but u did scare me today  because obviously I went and got us breakfast while u had your scan and then I come back and all the doctors and nurses were around u I didn't know if u were going to make it or not
I'm fine now and I'm sorry for scaring u
Daniel : it's fine atleast your ok at the momment
Yh well I think I'm going to bed
Daniel : ok love u
Love u to

After a while of being uncomfortable I finally feel asleep


After a week I can finally talk again and I started cemo again

Daniel : how do u feel after cemo
Tegan : I feel like crap I'm cold and I'm stuck in this place
Daniel : I know but your getting better and maybe in a week u can come home
Tegan : I really hope i can I've stopped caughing and my throut feels better
Daniel : it may feel better but u need to wait for your throat to heel
Tegan : I know but Dr Monrow said it's healing good at the moment
Daniel : and that's really good
Tegan : I know
Daniel : right what do u wanna play
Tegan : go fish
Daniel : ok I'll get the cards
Tegan : ok

Daniel: got any 3
Tegan : go fish have u got any 5
Daniel : go fish got any 2
Tegan.  : here u go
I hand him to 2s
Daniel : thank u
Tegan : go any 3
Daniel : dam
He hands me a 3

After playing a couple rounds of go fish Dr Monrow comes in

Monrow : u ready for your medication
Tegan : yep
I take the horrible liquid again and I still pull a stupid face
Daniel : I swear every time u take it u pull that face
Tegan : shut up and try taking it
Daniel : no thank u
Tegan : then shut up
Daniel : ok
Monrow : u seem like your getting better really quickly
Tegan : I know I feel really good better then I have felt the past couple days but the cemos just making me feel really cold
Monrow : I can grab u a couple blankets
Tegan : yes please
Monrow : ok I'll be back soon
Tegan : ok

Daniel : I can always just cuddle u and then your warm up
Tegan : what so are jacob from twilight
Daniel : no but I am really hot in both ways
Tegan ; Yh ok u think that
Daniel : hey i am don't get sassy with me young lady
Tegan : don't get sassy with me young man
Daniel : haha god shut up
Tegan. : ok

Monrow : right I got u more blankets and clean beding
Tegan : thank u
Monrow : I think if u carry on getting better I think u might be able to go home soon
Tegan : really
Monrow : Yh well your infection is almost gone
Daniel : dose that mean I can kiss her soon
Tegan : shut up Dani
I said while blushing
Monrow : no it's fine yes u will be able to kiss her soon
Daniel ; finally
Monrow : right I'm gonna go
Tegan : ok

Tegan : u are so embarrassing
Daniel : sorry but I just want to kiss u and take u on that date
Tegan : well soon something's are just meant to wait for
Daniel : Yh u are
Tegan : right should we make the bed
Daniel : ok

We get ride of the old sheets and put new ones and get in and watch tv

Daniel : right what do u want to eat
Tegan : anything
Daniel : so u want meat then
Tegan : obviously not
Daniel : so not anything
Tegan : shut up can i please have a veggie burger and saled please
Daniel : ok I'll be right back

He gose to the cafeteria and gets mine and his dinner and then walks in but without any food

Tegan. : where's our food
Daniel : well someone decided to pop in and see u
Tegan : who
Daniel : come in

Carrie seav Isla resse and Jonah all walk in
Tegan : hey
Carrie : I think u need something better then cafeteria food so I made veggie curry
Tegan : aww thank u but u didn't have to
Carrie : I wanted to plus we had some people who wanted to come and see u
Isla: how are u doing
Tegan : much better now that your all hear
Seav: good We want u to come home soon
Daniel : well it looks like she might be able to go home soon
Jonah : really that's good
Tegan : it is I really want to sleep in a normal bed
Carrie : I know they really are uncomfortable but eat up before we get kicked out
Tegan.  : ok

After eating me Isla resse and seav all played a couple games of card games

Carrie : right I think we need to go back it's the girls bedtime soon and I'm sure u need rest
Tegan : ok I'll see u all soon and be good
Resse : we are good
Tegan : ok
Jonah : get better and see u soon
Tegan : I will and thank u for dinner
Carrie : anytime

Daniel : right what do u wanna watch
Tegan.: anything good tv has been crap lately
Daniel : how about we look on Netflix on my laptop
Tegan : ok

He gets his laptop out and pulls out Netflix
Daniel : how about beast master
Tegan. : yes me and Luke used to watch this all the time
Daniel : who's luke
Tegan : he was a friend back in England I had we would watch this all the time
Daniel : ok

We watched a couple episodes until it was about 1 am I got in my pjs and Daniel was in his boxsers we went and brushed out teeth and then we got in bed

Tegan : love u
Daniel : love ya to

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