part 51

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I wake up the next morning feeling great I go to the bathroom do my stuff and then call Joe

Tegan : hey how's your hang over
Joe: your a bitch u don't under stand how bad it is
Tegan : that's what u get when u drink loads
Joe: I know but your still a bitch u could of told me to stop
Tegan : nah I wanted to see u drunk its funny
Joe: Yh Yh what ever so what ya doing
Tegan : nothing chilling in the hotel brys still asleep
Joe: how fun
Tegan : I know
Joe; have u got anything planned for today
Tegan : nope
Joe: well I'm going up to Brighton to see Zoe and Alfie u wanna go see them again
Tegan : he'll Yh haven't seen them in ages
Joe: good well maybe if u wake bry up and then meet me at mine and then we can head up
Tegan : ok I'll do that see u in a big
Joe: ok see ya

I walk out of bed and head to brys bed

Tegan : hey wake up I need to ask u something
Bry: what
Tegan: u wanna head down to Brighton and see Zoe and Alfie
Bry: Yh ok

She gets up and struggles to the bathroom goes in there and gets changed and walks out

I grab my make up and start doing it then I get in skinny jeans and a lose top and we head on our way to Joe's once we get there we get in Joe's car and drive 2 hours to Brighton we sing have a laugh and then Daniel calls

Daniel : hey
Tegan : hi how are u
Daniel : really good just missing ya
Tegan : missing u to
Daniel : so what are u up to
Tegan : we're on our way to Brighton to meet some old friends
Daniel : that's good
Tegan : Yh so what are u up to
Daniel : down by the pool with my family chilling
Tegan : nice has anyone asked more about me
Daniel : Yh They want to know where u have gone and has anything happen but I just say that your fine
Tegan : good and anything else for Kai 
Daniel : he's just worried and scared because he doesn't know where brys gone
Tegan : Yh I bet
Daniel : Yh
Joe: hey let me talk to him a sec
Tegan : ok Daniel joe wants to talk to u
Daniel : ok
I put him on speaker
Joe: hey I'm Joe just saying u break her heart i will fly over to LA and break your face
Daniel : not happening
Tegan : calm down Joe u won't do that your a weak skinny boy
Joe: shut up
Daniel : haha
Joe: so Tegan told me your in a band
Daniel : Yh with my 4 other bestfriend
Joe: nice so how did u meet
Daniel : explains story
Joe: wait so u Tegan was with anther one of your band mates
Tegan : I was but he cheated on me and then Daniel here kept me company and then we kinda fought feeling for each other
Daniel : Yh him kinda cheating on her kinda brought us together
Joe: cute kinda
Tegan : Yh
Daniel : right sorry but I need to go Anna wants to talk to u and that's not the best
Tegan : ok I'll leave u love u
Daniel : love u to

Joe: he seems nice
Tegan : he is

After a bit longer we finally pull up to this massive house

Joe knocks on the door and Zoe opens up

Zoe: omg I missed u to so much
Tegan: me to
Bry: I know it's been a long time

She hugs both of us and then we go in

Bry: your looking at me and u want to know what happen
Zoe: no of course not
Bry: I don't mind telling u
Zoe: if your sure

She explains the whole story to Zoe and Alfie

Zoe: so how dose of feel to have a little baby
Alfie : please don't or she's going to want one
Bry: idk I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it
Zoe: what why
Bry: idk I'm not ready
Zoe: but u will be because I've been told once it's born and u hold the baby for the first time u feel instant connection
Bry: Yh I guess

Zoe: right what do u want
Tegan : anything exspet meat for me
Zoe: right your vegetarian
Joe: your still doing that
Tegan : yep
Joe: how meat is so nice
Tegan. : idk I've never liked it
Alfie : I can't even go a day with out meat
Tegan ; mhh
Alfie : right me and joe are going gym are u gonna come
Tegan : I'll come gym
Alfie : ok
Zoe: use my gym stuff never used it
Tegan : ok thank u

Zoe grabs her gym stuff and hands it to me and I go to the bathroom and get changed and walk back to where everyone else is

Tegan : u gonn a be ok in here
Bry: Yh I'll go chill with Zoe
Tegan : ok

Me Joe and Alfie head out to the garage where Alfie has his gym

Joe: I'm doing weight
Alfie : doing cardio
Tegan : ok I'll do the tread mil

I do about 5 miles on the tread mil and get off and do a warm down

Alfie : I'm down
Tegan : me to

We head back in and I get changed back into my clothes and see Zoe and bry

Tegan : hello
Zoe : hey i made Camembert and we got carrots and cucumber
Tegan : ok sounds good

We eat for a bit

Zoe : so tell me about your boyfriend
Tegan : what do u wanna know
Zoe: like how dose it feel living with him
Tegan.: it's amzing he's always there for me when ever i need him and even when I was in hospital he was always by my side looking after me
Zoe : aww that's cute
Tegan : Yh
Bry: I wish me and Kai would just get back together
Tegan : but u will in time and then things will be good
Bry: I hope
Zoe : I have feeling u will kai has always liked u
Bry: Yh I've been told that

We walk to the front room where the boys are

Zoe: let's watch a film
Bry: like what
Zoe: a Halloween film
Joe: why it's like month away
Zoe: because I want to get in the mood for it
Alfie : fine

We watch a Halloween a film what ever your fav is

The film finished now and Bry is asleep aswell as Zoe

Joe: I think it's best we go now it's getting late
Tegan. : ok I'll wake bry up
Alfie : and I'll wake Zoe she needs to say bye

I wake bry up and Alfie wakes Zoe

We say bye and get back in Joe's car
And start heading back

Joe: am I dropping u back
Tegan : Yh
Bry: I'm going to sleep
Tegan : ok

Joe : so how long are u here for
Tegan : idk we got an 1 way ticket here
Joe: ok so u don't know how long your here for
Tegan. : no buts nice being back
Joe: I bet
Tegan.: Yh I get to catch up with loads of friends and that
Joe : Yh

We carry on talking and then we finally pull up to our hotel

Joe.: let's prank her
Tegan : ok

He pulls out his phone connects to his car speaker and puts a really loud song on and she shoots up

Bry: what the he'll
Tegan : it's joes fault he wanted to prank u
Bry: thanks
Joe : anytime
Tegan : we're see u soon thanks for dropping us home
Joe : Yh see u soon

Me and bry get out and head to our room I take my make up off  and get in my pjs and call Daniel

Tegan : hey I'm just calling to say were going to bed
Daniel : ok have a good night
Tegan : I will love u
Daniel : love u to

I get in bed lay down and fall asleep

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