part 47

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Christans pov

I get woken by corbyn

Christan  : have u heard anything
Corbyn ; no but we need to go home
Christan : no I'm not leaving
Corbyn : we need to its 10
Christan : fine

We all get an uber back home and get in the door Daniel is staying the night here He doesn't want to be alone

I get in my pjs and get in bed and corbyn pulls me close to him

Corbyn : she's going to be fine
Christan : I hope so
Corbyn : love u
Christan : love u to
Corbyn : rest and then first thing in the morning we will go hospital
Christan  : ok

After a while I fall asleep

I then get up it's the next morning it's 7am I walk to the kitchen grab an apple and see Daniel awake

Christan : when did u wake up
Daniel : uhh maybe 30 hours ago
Christan : what did u not sleep
Daniel : no I'm to scared to sleep because if I do and then get a call saying she's didn't make it idk what to do
Christan : like corbyn said to me she is strong she will make it
Daniel ; idk we haven't heard anything over 24hours
Christan. : I know that's them saying there doing the best they can to make sure she makes it
Daniel : I guess
Christan : if i get changed and wake bean up and then were see here
Daniel : ok

I walk into beans room wake him up and then get changed

Corbyn. : ready to go
Christan : Yh
Daniel. ; come on

We get in corbyns car drive to hospital and go resepthion

Christan.: anything
Noel : uh Yh there is
Daniel : what
Noel : she has her own room but I don't think u can see her
Christan : do u know her state
Noel  : no but I'll call up to see if u can see her
Christan. : please

We stand back while he's on the phone he then hangs up

Noel : u can see her room 118 and the doctors will tell u what's happening
Christan : ok thank u

We walk down to 118 look in the little window a doctor is in there so we can't completely see her

Nurse : I'm duff and o guess your here to see miss boyland
Daniel  : th
Duff : ok so she was in surgery all day yesterday she sufderd really bad trauma and she's still not out of the clear mean she stopped breathing over 30 minutes she luckey to be alive

We then here loud sounds coming from her room

Duff: stay here

Tegans pov

Idk what's happening but I'm not in my normal place it's all white with a couple people here but then I spot bry she looks really well I walk over to her

Tegan.: bry
Bry: Tegan what the hell are u doing here
Tegan.: idk I got hit with a car last night by Liam
Bry: what
Tegan : we know every thing that happend with u and him we looked throw your phone
Bry: what so Kai knows I cheated on him
Tegan : Yh He dose everyone dose
Bry: oh god is he ok
Tegan: he locked himself away because your parents won't let him or us see u
Bry: why would they do that
Tegan: we don't know but do u what's happening with u
Bry: no
Tegan : your pregante on the out side
Bry: am I
Tegan: Yh but after about 25 weeks there making the baby come then stopping all your health treatment witch is going to kill u
Bry: so there killing me
Tegan : Yh but they can't do that
Bry: Yh I want to grow old look after my baby be with Kai
Tegan : we all want u to wake up
Bry: I've tried but I can't it's to hard u need to get back there
Tegan : how
Bry : u think of going back home all the good things that's happend u block out all your surroundings and bad memories and u should end up in your bed
Tegan ; ok but can i tell u a couple thing
Bry: Yh
Tegan : I'm dating Daniel now and we all really miss u
I say while I'm about the cry
Bry: don't cry I want u to carry on with life and always rember all the good times we had and not think about me being in a hospital
Tegan : I ..don't.....want to leave u
Bry: u have to go be with Daniel
Tegan : ok but please try and wake up
Bry: let's try together
Tegan : ok
She grabs my hand i start to think of all the good times when I met the boys when I met bry Kai and Kayla when we went on the London eye when I first kissed Jonah and Daniel back to new York and filmed with Daniel my first time having sex with Daniel the feeling I had .....Daniels eyes corbyns fashion jacks hair Zachs rossey cheeks .Jonah's smile gabbies flawless skin Kayla and her laugh Tristans stupid but funny videos Kai and when he was happy and brys gorgeous personality

Next things I can feel my hands feet I can open my eyes i look around and see Daniel holding my hand Christan in the Conor with corbyn and everyone else around the room even bry in a wheelchair

Tegan : what the hell
Daniel : your awake how are u
Tegan :  bry did u wake up
Bry: I woke up yesterday when I was with u but weren't awke
Tegan : so u made it
Bry : Yh
Daniel : how are u feeling
Tegan : I hurt everywhere
Christan : u dont under stand how stressful this past week has been
Tegan : what I've been out for a week it felt like not even a day
Christan. ; Yh well u were put for ages
Daniel : Yh They weren't sure if u were gonna wake up because of the injures
Tegan.: I did
Dylan : your finally awake Tegan
Tegan. : I am
Dylan : how do u feel
Tegan.: I hurt every where
Dylan : ok well I've got u medaction and that should help
Tegan : ok

Tegan.: Dani come here
Daniel : I dont want to hurt u
Tegan: i don't care I missed u
Daniel : me to

I pull him down and kiss him

Daniel : God I missed that
Tegan : me to but hey how do u feel bry
Bry: ok I just need to turn how to walk again
Tegan : well if it's only walking thats good are u and Kai together
Bry: no were going to take it slow so friends and then in the futer we will get back together
Tegan : ok
Anna : uh do u rember who done this
Tegan : uh Yh u know the man who broke in I followed him out and ran I front of the car liam was in it and he heard Sirens and he reverse back a bit and then he drove straight at me
Christan.: ok
Daniel : Liam Is so dead now
Kai: oh trust me he is
Kayla : no the police are on to him
Tegan ; good

We talk for a bit longer before they got kicked out I have to stay here for a couple days just so keep am eye on me


Its been a couple days and I can go home bry is still in but can leave soon

I'm finally home and in a comfy bed

Daniel : God I missed u
Tegan: missed u to and anther thing
Daniel : like what
Tegan : well u know what we did before u left for Toronto I really liked that
Daniel : me to
Tegan : so maybe we can try again
Daniel : idk after u ok to do it
Tegan: I'm fine but idk if u are
Daniel : oh trust me befor u went to hospital it's all i thought about
Tegan : then come on
Daniel : ok

Smut warning ( by the was it's not always going to be sex)

Straight away I'm on top of him making out he pulls us apart and takes my top off and I pull his off and then I reconnect our lips I move down his neck leaving hickeys all over I then move down pulling down his jeans and then going back up to him kissing him he then flips us over and he hovering over me slowly going down to my pants pulling them off he comes back on top of me and starts attacking my neck with hickeys until he finds my sweet spot sucking and sucking he then moves back to my lips kissing he starts to move his hands down my undwear pulling them off along with his boxsers he takes his lips off mine moves his hand over to his night stand grabbing a condom ripping it open with his teeth and sliding it on

Daniel : u sure
Tegan : Yh

He puts his top at my entrance and then slides the rest in he starts off at  slow pace with a couple low moah coming from both of us he starts going faster

He starts going faster and deeper

Tegan: shit
Daniel : your so fucking tight

After I while I flip us over so now I'm on top grinding on him

Daniel : do tease me
Tegan : sorry

He grabs my hips lifting me up a bit and bring me back down i start to go faster bouncing up and down I go like that for a bit until he flips us over again he gets up a bit bring my legs to his shoulders and goes back in but much faster then what he has been hitting my spot every time

Tegan.: I need to come
Daniel : cum

After a bit longer I cum and he comes aswell

Tegan : best coming home percent
Daniel : i bet

I get up get changed and he dose aswell

Tegan: love u
Daniel : love u to
Tegan: going for a shower
Daniel. : ok

I walk to the shows get unchanged get in do my stuff get out brush my teeth get back in my pjs walk to Daniels room and see him asleep I walk over to him kiss his head get in bed lay there for a bit until I fall asleep

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