part 45

352 5 1

Ashley : someone's in the house
She says while still crying
Christan : what do u mean someone were all here
Ashley : I saw a tall slim figure by the door fram
Kayla : do u think u were dreaming
Ashley : no they were in the fucking house
Ester : my phone's gone
Tegan : what do u mean
Ester : my phone is gone
Tegan : I'll call it

I call her phone and it's by the door fram

Anna : my phone's gone to
Tegan : I'm going to cheak the around because the doors locked
Ashley : NO what if there still here
Tegan.: I'll be fine u guys stay here

I turn the hall light on where the fram is I walk down to the bathroom clear i walk to the spare room window is open and there's a phone on my bed I look at it and I know it's Anna's I walk to the window look out side clear and shut it I'm fucking shitting it I walk back to the front room with the others

Tegan : she coudent of dreamed it Anna's phone on my bed and my window was opened
Ashley : so someone was here
Tegan : looks like it
Anna : fucking he'll why when the boys are gone
Tegan : idk but I'm calling the police

911: 911 what's your emergency
Tegan : someone was in my flat and my friend woke up and saw them
911 : ok we're send somone out but is there any chance she could of dreamed it
Tegan : no because there was a big bang from where this person  dropped the phone I think it went running out my window and left the others phone
911: ok and is there anything missing
Tegan : idk I haven't had a proper look all I know this person got to phones but it dropped them ok
911: ok what's your address
Tegan : random address
911: ok there be there soon
Tegan : ok thank u

I walk back to the others

Tegan : ok they should be here soon
Christan : ok I know it's going to be early but I'm calling corbyn

Christan passes the phone to Ashley

Corbyn : why are u calling so early
Ashley : I need u Corbyn some one tryed breaking into tegans and Daniels
Ashley : we're fine but he got Esters and Anna's phone but when I screamed he dropped esters and then Tegan went looking and found Anna's phone on her bed where the window was open I'm just scared
Corbyn : ok have u called the police
Ashley : Tegan called them I'm scared
Corbynn: I just need u to calm down I'm getting the boys
Ashley : ok
Corbyn : stay on the phone with me I'll be back in a sec

Btw there in different time zones so it's like 3am for them

We hear a knocks on the phone from corbyn

Corbyn : zach jack u need to get up please it's important
Jack: what do u want corbyn it's 3am
Corbyn : someone tried breaking into Tegan and Daniels place when the girls were there can u just go to my room I'll get Dani and jo
Jack: sure are they ok
Corbyn : idk I'll get them to explain when I've got the others
Zach : ok

We then hear anther knock throw the phone

Corbyn : guys get the hell up it's important
Corbyn : I'm going to fucking break down this door if u don't get up
Jonah : fine what is it
Corbyn : get Dani up and get to my room NOW it's ergent
Jonah : ok

Corbyn : right I'm in my room with the others can u explain again and stay calm and your on speaker
Christan : ok just give us a sec then
Ashley : ok so we were all in the front room sleeping I hear something and ignored it because u hear things all the time but it went on for ages so I lifted my head up and saw I a slim tall figure on the door fram bit in the hall way so I screamed and then I saw it run away and everyone shoot up and Tegan turned the light on I told them I saw somone and then Ester saw her phone was missing and then Anna's was aswell Tegan called Esters phone and we saw it on the floor where I saw the person so somone got it then Tegan said she was going to look around to see if he's still here and she looked around got to her room she saw Anna's phone on the bed got it and saw her window was open she looked out and saw no one and she closed it
Ester : we're fine were just scared I think
Daniel : have u called the police
Tegan : I did that they should be here soon
Jack : I want u all to go somewhere else i don't want u in there at all till we get back
Christan : and where are we all gonna go I don't want us to all go in anther empty place
Daniel : Anna call mom and see it u can all go there
Anna : ok I'll do that now
Corbyn : I want u to all stay on the phone with me until your at keri and Jeff's
Christan : after we get there I want u all to go back to sleep its early
Corbyn : ok
Anna : after the second call she answered and said we all go there and she was t to know what's happend
Corbyn. : stay on the phone till u get there

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