part 26

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I wake up with really strong warm arms around me I felt so safe and warm with him it's wired but then I hear something really wired like moaning
Tegan : hay Dani wake up
Daniel : what I'm sleeping
I turn to look at him
Tegan : what is that noise
Daniel : what noise
Tegan : be quite and listen
We listen for a bit and it's moaning
Tegan : omg
Daniel: well it's got to be jack and gabbie
Tegan : omg there having sex at ..... 7am
Daniel : Yh my god why are they doing it so early
Tegan : idk but all I can hear is daddy faster
Daniel ; now u know how I feel when I'm in a hotel right next to them
Tegan : uhh how long do they last
Daniel : ages
Tegan : well that's my cue to leave then
Daniel : no stay and ignore it
Tegan. : no I need to go back to my hotel and pack
Daniel : uh I'll help u just let me get dressed and pack my stuff
Tegan : ok

Daniel gets changed  walked out and grabbed some of his stuff that's around the room and packed it in his suitcase
Daniel: I'm done let's go
Tegan. : ok let's go
Daniel: wait I'll order an uber
Tegan. : ok

He orders  the uber and we walk to down to reception and hands his key in
Tegan.  : are u happy u get to see your family again
Daniel: Yh I miss my mom my dad and Anna and I miss Chris my older brother not Tyler
Tegan. : what u don't miss Tyler
Daniel : I do but he done wrong
Tegan. : I guess but I can't wait to meet your family
Daniel: why
Tegan : well they had u they seem sweet and well me and Anna have talked a bit
Daniel : really
Tegan : Yh she was the one who got hold of me because apparently u talked about me so much when u went back to LA
Daniel : oh uh Yh I said u were really nice and sweet when it come to Tyler and helping me a bit
Tegan. : aww thanks for putting a nice word in for me
Daniel : anytime anyway it says our uber is out side
Tegan. : ok but be quick it's raining
Daniel : yes I know I don't want to get wet
we ran to the uber out side the hotel  and put Daniels suitcase in back and then we told the man where to go and then we ran into hotel

Tegan. : right I need to pack
Daniel: I'm tired and hungry
Tegan : well u can sleep on the flight and eat at the airport
Daniel : fine

I pack all my stuff into my suitcase and ready to go We just have to wait for the others

After a while I hear a knock on my door I go and answer it

Tristan : u ready to go
Tegan : yep let's go Daniel u ready
Daniel : yep let's go

We all hand our keys in and head to the air port and meet everyone else there

Tegan : I'm gonna miss u girls
Christan : I know but I'll be down in LA soon for the boys 2 year anvirsery
Gabbie : same with me
Tegan. : this is gonna be hard not to see u 2 for a month
Christan. : I know but once were down there we will spend time together
Tegan. : ok but gabbie one thing
Gabbie : what is that
Tegan. : thanks for waking me up at 7am
Gabbie : how did I do that
Tegan : daddy harder faster
Gabbie : omg
Tegan. : really sex at 7am
Gabbie : well it would be the last time in a month
Tegan. : well maybe could of gone a bit quieter
Christan. : hey leave her alone me and corbyn went all night and probs kept Paige up
Tegan : TMI
Christan : sorry
Gabbie: Christan guess what Tegan Daniel did last
Christan : what
Tegan : please don't
Gabbie : they kissed
Christan : WHAT
Tegan : Zac dare him to kiss someone and he wasn't kissing anyone who was taken and wasent kissing a boy
Christan : so he kissed u in front of Jonah
Tegan. : yes but it was a couple seconds
Corbyn : stop stilling my girlfriend and let me say bye to her
Jack ; and mine
Tegan : sorry but I have to say bye
Tegan : I'm gonna miss u see u in a month
Christan and gabbie bye

We hug each other for a couple seconds and say bye again and then I went to the others

Zach : who's ready to go back to LA
Kayla: I am haven't been there in almost a year
Daniel : wow a long time then
Bry: yep but now I get to see my mum
Kayla : and my dad
Tegan ; Yh and I'm not going over to any family
Daniel: trust me u are family to the seaveys
Tegan. : good because Anna is already like a sister
Jonah : hey no she's my younger sister
Tegan : u have to younger sister's
Jonah : I know but all the the boys family's are our family
Kayla : that's really sweet
Daniel : I know it is
Zach. : Jonah always plays fornight with my little brother
Jonah : Yh because u don't because your always on with corbyn
Zach : i do play with him
Jonah : sure
Daniel ; and I'm the only one who doesn't play it
Tegan. : I don't Kayla dose bry dosent Tristan dose Kai dose
Daniel : well looks like we're the only normal ones
Bry: tell me about o don't under stand how to play
Kai: well maybe I can tech u
Bry : u already teched me to much stuff
Kayla: right shut up don't need to know
Bry: sorry
Eben. ; how can u not play it's the best
Tegan : it looks boring
Zach. : it isent
Tegan. : Yh ok

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