part 46

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Daniels pov he's still in Toronto not knowing what's happening still on the phone call

Corbyn : what what's happening
Kayla : come on Tegan
Daniel : what's happening girls u need to tell me

All we can hear is crying and screaming
Police : I'm officer James I need u girls to back away back up should be hear soon
Christan : how can we our best friends has been hit
James : u need to stay clear she's not breathing I need one of u to go to my car and get the manipulator
Anna : I will where is it
James : boot and quick

Jonah : Ester are u there
Ester : Yh
Jonah : right I won't u to calm down and tell us what's happen
We wait a couple seconds
Ester : ashley give me the phine ill exsplain ok so when we were walking to keirs we saw a man come out of jacks moms place we talked for a bit then he pushed Kayla and the Christan and then he went running so Tegan went after him we don't know why then we saw them out side we stayed there to see what's happening and then he went running again so went after them and by time we got down there we coudent see them so we went looking for Tegan coudent find her and then the police man showed up and he saw us and then looked down the road and he went running so we followed him and we saw somone on the floor we went closer and saw Tegan
Daniel ; is she ok
Easter : idk James said she not breathing and Anna's back with manipulator

James : stand back 1...2...3

We then heard something go off

James : still no puls

We then hear Sirens

The phone call ends

Christans pov

The ambulance pulls up and comes running

James : right we got a female here no puls I've done the manipulator onces not respond
Ian. : ok I'll take over

He starts doing cpr on her while getting put on a stretcher and taken into the ambulance

Christan. : I'll go with her
Kayla : I'll get us all up there
Christan : ok

I get in the ambulance and it drives off

Christan.: come on Tegan u need to make this you've been throw so much already this year u beat cancer u beat your eating disorder and now this I'm sure Daniel is going crazy
Sam.: I need u to let go of her
Christan : ok

I sit there looking at her no cooler all this blood around and on her before I know it were at the hospital and in a family room waiting for the others to get here or aleast a doctor I don't even have my phone to call anyone why is so much shit happening to Tegan I mean gabbie is arriving today I mean I had a full on planned day and now we're stuck in stupid fucking hospital and I'm all on my own mean I don't  even know if she's going to make it or if the boys are going to get here and Tegan dosent make it they don't get to say bye

Christan stop she's going to make it think positive stay positive . I walk to reception and ask to call someone and he says I can i call corbyn

Corbyn. : who ever it is not a good time
Christan : it's me
Corbyn : Christan what happening why is no one picking up there phones
Christan : idk I'm at the hospital all on my own not knowing if she's going to make it
Corbyn.: she will she's strong
Christan. : but u didn't see her corbyn it was horrible blood all over her and she wasent breathing the whole way to the hospital and now I can't even see her and god knows how long she was like that
Corbyn : I need u to lisend to me Chris she will make it and me and the boys are talking to David about coming back as soon as we can mean we done  every thing we need to do we should be there soon.
Christan.  : but what if.... your to late
Corbyn: we won't be were be there I promise
Christan.: o
Kayla ; we got here a soon as possible
Christina: I'll tell u in a sec.... corbyn I'm gonna go I'll call u later
Corbyn : please do I'll see u soon
Christan : ok

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