part 13

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Tegan: what
Jonah : nothing it's just I'm really sorry for what I said about and Daniel and about chance I was wrong bring him into this just because u won't go out with me
Tegan : look I said this I'm not ready and I haven't given u a good reason why but I just told gabbie and Christian so I think I'm ready to tell u all why I'm not ready
Jonah : u don't ha
Tegan : I do tho so what is I don't trust because chance cheated on me with Alex as u know and then he started to smoking  weed  and jack Anthony knew what he was doing but they didn't tell me and I'm sorry Tristan that I didn't tell u this part but behind doors and cameras he hit me and call me names so when ever that happend I would cover them up so no would see them and ask about the briussies and scratches on me the bad thing about it was erika knew what he was doing to because she walk in once and saw and jake said that if she told anyone then would do it to her so she kept her mouth shut about it and then me and her got into a fight one day and she said a least I didn't get cheated on or beaten up by jake so that's why I don't trust many guys and I just knew once I joined team 10 erika wasent good news and that's when me and Tristan left but he didn't know about he just got tired of jake making is do stuff that we didn't want to but I got so sad and depressed about all the stuff that happen in the past and then this the part where  Tristan knows what happend to me because u didn't really know me then but I took a couple mouths off the media and I didn't tell anyone but I tried taking my life but Tristan found me passed out in the tub with cuts all over my arm and legs he called 911 for me once they got me in the strecher and soon found I took pills and drank alcohol in system so that wasent good but they managed to pump the pills out of me and they just put cloth over  my arms up and legs to cover them and then waited to if I was ok or to see if had anything else to myself that they didn't see but after a couple days of been knocked out I finally come around and once that happen they put me in rehab to recover of what happen and I had to talk to people about why I did it and out if all people I wanted to see i wanted to my family but they refused to come see me in rehab and even when I almost dies and that when I decided I didn't want them round anymore so after I got out me and Tristan desided to move to England get away and that's when me Kayla bry and Kai all moved out here together because they wanted be near  us even tho they knew nothing of it and that pretty much just lead us to now since we moved here I have been happy
They all come over hugged in a massive group hug
Jonah: I'm really sorry for the thing I said and everything u have been throw
Tristan : how could u not tell me about jake and erika
Tegan : I coudent I was scared to when were over there and once we were over here I just wanted to get rid  of all the back memories
Christian Kayla bry and gabbie  gave me a hug and told me I was brave
Corbyn : I'm sorry this happend to u don't deserve anything that happen to u
Tegan.: thank u bean
Daniel : I love u for how brave u are
Zach and jack : we all love u
Jonah : agree with that I love u
Tegan : I love u all to

After a couple minutes of silence

Kai : I know this was a sad moment but maybe we can go have some fun go eat and then come back carry on packing because we leave tomorrow
Tegan: omg I forgot we leave tomorrow
Jack : where are we gonna go eat I'm starving
Zach : let's go to a reastrunt it's now 12
Tristan : how about we to the round table
Kayla : yes that is a shout

We all head to the round table we took a couple cars as in Tristan mine and brys

We all go in there and they ask us what we want to drink

Waiter : last but not least what can no get u
Tegan : can i have water please
Waiter : ok They will come out shortly and then I will come back and ask for what u want to eat

All of a sudden my stomach starts to feel wired I just forget about I think I'm going to start my period

Tegan : dose anyone have pain killers
Jonah : why are u ok
Tegan: Yh I'm fine I just thing female stuff
Jonah : ok
Christian : here
Tegan.: thank u

I swallow the pills
I stand up to walk to bry

Tegan : do u have anything on u
Bry: what pads
Tegan : Yh
Bry: Yh here
Tegan.: thanks oh and if the woman askes what I want tell her I don't want anything
Tristan: why I would think your hungry by now
Tegan. No I'm not
Tristan. : ok

I walk to bathroom do my stuff and walk back to the table

Jonah: Tegan since I've been here I haven't seen u eat a thing
Tegan: surely u have
Tristan : thinking about it I haven't seen u eat either in ages
Tegan : Yh I'm sure u have
Tristan : no I haven't
Tegan. : well don't forget I'm not with u all the time I do eat when I'm out
Tristan : ok
We're on table everyone having there own convention with each other while I'm here not talking to anyone I said everyone was mad at me

Tegan : ahhh
To much pain from my tummy but I carry on stupid period

Waiter : right your food is here

The man handed out the door  to everyone and started to eat

Daniel : do u want any of my chicken Tegan
Tegan : no thanks vegetarian
Daniel : wait what
Tegan.: Yh I don't eat meat
Zach : how can u not eat meat it's the best in the world
Tegan. : idk ask my body why I don't
Daniel : hey tegans body why don't u eat meat
Tegan. : really
Daniel : what u said ask it
Tegan. : Yh as a joke
Daniel : oh well
They carry on eating and I'm finally in a conversation
Gabbie : Tegan is there anyway that u and Jonah are ever going to go out
Tegan. : idk I hope so one day but I'm taking a day at time mean I still car get over what happen this moring
Gabbie : I'm sure u can
Tegan. : I know I will just not yet it's still so fresh in my mind still
Gabbie : I guess
Tegan.: when we get to mine I want to take a pitch with u lot just in case I never see u guys again
Chirtsian : sure but trust me we are going to see each other again I mean I'm coming up th LA soon because I go tour next weekend and I'm to LA for one so will see u and for gabbie as well she's gonna come to a couple as well
Tegan. : good then is I'll see u again

Everyone has now finished eat and we are not heading to head to the flat to carry on witch I haven't got that much more and I don't think the others have aswell I get up from the table and I fall down like really badly to tummy hurting badly

Jonah :tegan are u ok
Tegan : yep can u guys leave me and girls to talk for a sec

The boys walk off and I'm left with the others girls

Kayla : what is happening
Tegan : idk my cramps have never been this bad mean I can't walk like i can't walk at all my legs feel num and my head hurts
Chrsitan : what do u mean u can't walk
Tegan. : I mean I can't feel my legs it feels like jelly
Bry: do u need to call anyone
Tegan. : no I just give a sec let me try get up

I try to pull myself up but I can't

Tegan : I can't I can't get up what is happening
Gabbie : idk but I'm getting the boys I don't care what u say

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