part 12

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Jonah pov
I wake up at 9 and look around confused of where I am bit then I rember we were watch a film and then fell asleep but I look around and everyone is still asleep but I don't see Tegan or Daniel around so I get up carefully trying not to wake corbyn or Kayla and start to look around for them I head to tegans room and see Tegan and Daniel all cuddled up together idk what took over me but I shouted at them

Daniel and Tegan both shot up from the bed
Daniel : what do u mean
Jonah : why are u and tegan cuddling and in the same bed did something happen
All the other guys most of heard me shout because they came running to see what's happing
Tegan : of course not it's just I coudent sleep and everyone was asleep so I was about to go to my room and pack more but then I heard something turned around and saw Daniel and I asked him why he was awake and he needed to go bathroom and then he asked me why I was awake and I told him I coudent sleep so after he went to bathroom and come and helped me a bit then we started talking about some stuff not going to repeat b3cause I don't anyone to know about and then got tired so he said he was going to join u all but I told him to sleep in here and he did but he did put up a fight for no but head he can i just I was getting in aswell and he feel asleep pretty much as soon as he got in bed and I was still awake and still coudent sleep but then Daniel rolled over and hugged me and I just feel asleep after that that's all it was Jonah I promise
Jonah : how I can i believe your not lieing and for all I know is that u two kissed
Daniel : well I can tell u we didn't because don't forget I've done nothing let alone kissed or done anything else
Jonah : oh I kinda forgot u haven't done anything
Daniel : and plus I think Tegan likes u to much to kiss anyone else
Tegan: Daniel shut up
Daniel : sorry
Kai: wait so Jonah thinks u two had sex
Jonah : well Yh because there pretty much half naked
Tegan : Daniel where did your shirt go  u went to bed with it on
Daniel : I got really hot and took it off in the night
Tegan: ok and anther thing is Jonah if u rember rightly I told u I was waiting for the right tine to have my first time with someone and u think I would do it with Daniel
Daniel : jee thanks
Tegan : not like that I mean u know I'm wait for the right person to come alone so if that means me wait 20 years or 2 months till I think this is my solmate and that i am going to spend the rest of my life with them
Daniel : so your like me as for others not saying names but want to do when I bunch of peope in the house

Me and Daniel burst out into laughter

Jonah : what so funny
Tegan : nothing dw
Jonah : there we go again u and Daniel are keeping secrets
Tegan : fine u want to know ask bry and Zach what Daniel was talking about
Jonah : what dose she mean by ask u guys
Zach : well hears....the thing is me and bry were....kinda ....making out and stuff like that and Daniel come to cheak on us and ... he walked in an do was on top of bry still had cloths on by the way but u know if I didn't cheak on is we would of u kmowen
Jonah : omg Zach serisley when were in the house as well
Tegan : that's what said
Bry: it's just we kinda got caught in the moment
Kayla: God I'm happy I stayed out your room then
Tristan : hey right new rules at the house no having sex with me in the house u hear me that's one rule I gonna make
Tegan : I agree I mean we are all going to be in la witch means Zach and bry with probley be with each other when ever they can be
Bry: well idk because u know me and Zach aren't together
Zach: ok the bry will u be my girlfriend
Bry: of course I will
Jonah : how did this turn to bry and Zach when I was mad with tegan and Daniel
Daniel: as I said nothing happend and she's all yours
Tegan: well I'm not his so
Jonah : Yh but that because u can't get over that chance guy
Tegan : I am thank u it was over a year ago and is  still with Alex
Jonah : but u married him
Tegan. : but it wasent real it was fake for god sake
I just got out of bed and walked to bathroom
Tegan pov
God why am I such a fuck up mean nothing happend between me and Daniel and plus I've got really close with them I fucked up there all mad at me for thing I fucking fucked Daniel

Tegan : uhhh I'm such a fuck up
I shout
I hear to knocks on the door
Tegan : who is it
Gabbie : it's me and Christina can we come in

I open then for them to come in
Gabbie : I'm sorry for what Jonah said it was mean
Christina : Yh I agree I do t under stand why he said that about chance
Tegan : look I want to say I am over chance it's just I'm scared that I'll get hurt again I mean chance cheated on me and my ex friend didn't tell me and then I find out he was song weed and what ever else he was doing
Christina : I under stand mean I was cheated on and I got pay back on him and Yh it sucked but I'm happy now with corbyn and if can forget about this chance guy and maybe u can a have a future with Jonah
Tegan : idk now because the way Jonah looked when he was mad was scary like he was going kill me and Daniel that second he saw in bed I'm just scared ok
I burst out crying not been able to hold it back anyone mean everyone hate me
Tegan : everyone hates me now
Christba : no they don't u should have seen the way Jonah's face was when ran out the door and the dirty looks he got from everyone and I mean even Daniel and corbyn did they were mad I think Tristan is worried about u
Tegan : Yh well he been there for me  since the beginning of everything I mean when I was in team 10 it was always me and Tristan no one else and then chance thing it was his idea to love here to we can get away from them and start a new life and show them we don't need them in our life
Gabbie : I mean I hate jake mean look at all the trouble he caused and then kept that secret from u and chance and that's anther thing I hate about him now
Tegan : thank u guys idk what I would do with out u 
Christian and gabbie : your welcome
Gabbie : well should we all head out of hear
Tegan: I'm gonna stay here for a sec see in a minute
Gabbie : ok

They walk and I just shut and lock the door a slide down the with head in my knees and hand on the top my head think I have fuck everything up there not going to want to talk to me

Tristan : Tessa u gonna come out
Tessa : Yh give me a sec

I get from the Floor and splash my face with water and unlock the door and see Tristan and he hugs me

Tristan : did I do anything stupid in there  like u know cut
Tegan : no I didn't cut myself
Tristan : can i have a look then

I put my hands up and pull my sleeves up

Tegan : I'm clear
Tristan : good I don't want to see anything on your arm at all
Tegan: I promise I haven't done anything like it almost 4 months I'm clean
Tristan : good now let's get u changed and food
Tegan : I'm not hungry
Tristan: are u sure
Tegan: I head to my room with no one in there thank God I shut my door and  change  I'm not gonna were make up today

Tegan : I'm clear Tristan : good I don't want to see anything on your arm at all Tegan: I promise I haven't done anything like it almost 4 months I'm clean Tristan : good now let's get u changed and food Tegan : I'm not hungryTristan: are u sure T...

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I walk out my door and see everyone in the front room and all eyes turn to me

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