Meeting the glitter force

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Your POV

I was running to school quickly because I was going to be late. "No no not today! I can't be late on my first day!" I yelled. When i was in the hallway i ran into a girl with pink hair. " oh I'm sorry!" She said while helping me up. " it's ok, I'm y/n, who are you?" I asked. "I'm Emily nice to meet you!" And I said, " you too." Then I realize I was still late. "Ok see ya later!" I said then left. I came in the door in the middle of attendance. "Are you the new student?" Asked the teacher. But before I could answer Emily burst through the door and said, "sorry I'm late!" Then looked at me. "Oh cool we are in the same class." She said then sat down. "Uh, yeah I-I'm the new student." I was nervous and that was weird to me cuz I'm never nervous. "Well, introduce yourself." The teacher said.  I walked up next to the teacher and said, "hi, I'm y/n, I like umm... reading romance novels and I uh, I like to make fan fiction. I hope I can be your f-friend." I thought I had did horrible, but then a blonde haired girl whispered to me, "good job." I smiled and sat where the teacher told me to sit.

After school, Emily brought me to see her friends. "This is Chloe, April, Kelsey, and lily." Emily introduced. "Hi, I'm y/n. nice to meet you all." I said. "So, are you always late for class?" Said Kelsey. "No, this is my first time actually, I just had a dream I just wanted to keep having it." Then Emily said, "I did the same thing my first day!" I smiled and said, "oh that's cool." Then, lily walked up to me and said, "do you really make fan fictions?" I nodded and handed her one." After awhile of talking we all became friends. "Hey, wanna come to my house?" I ask. They all agree and as we walk there the sky becomes dark and I fall to my hands and knees. "What's the point, they won't like me or my fan fictions." Slips out of my mouth. Then I hear Emily say, "glitter time, girls." Then I hear them say phrases. I wanted to see what they were doing but it seemed like too much work. Then, I heard an unfamiliar voice.

Emily's POV

I was walking with the girls and my new friend, y/n and then the sky turns dark. I watch y/n fall to the ground. "Glitter time, girls." I said. "Glitter force makeover." I start to transform. "A  fabulous shimmer, a glow in your heart. I'm glitter lucky!" I say. When we all transform into the glitter force we see brute.  He summoned a red-nosed buffoon. It was a book. When we were in the middle of fighting the fan fiction that y/n made fell out of Lily's pocket. "Huh, what's this?" Brute picked up the fan fiction. "Put that down it not yours!" Lily yelled. "Finders keepers! Now what is this?" Brute said and opened the fan fiction and read some of it (if he can read at all). "Bleh! This is disgusting!" Brute said. "No it's not! I found it cute.." lily said back.

Your POV

I hear the unfamiliar voice say my fan fiction is disgusting. "He's right, I'll never be good at writing anything." I said. But then, I hear lily say, "no it's not! I found it cute.." after she said that the others backed her up with words like, "I agree." And "the bit I read was as perfect as perfect can get." Then i feel better about my writing. Then I hear Emily yell, "y/n is a good writer and she has a lot of potential!" After I heard that I see myself on the ground. "Huh? What happened?" I say as I see Emily fly backwards from a punch from the book thing. "Oh, y/n!" Emily said. "E...Emily?? Is that you?" I question. "Yep! But right now I'm glitter lucky." Emily gets up and goes back to the others. I see the red troll and Yell, "what the heck is that?!" The troll looks at me and says, "what's this? Another school kid? No matter, i can get rid of you too I guess." I was scared and saw that he was holding the fan fiction I gave lily. "Hey! Let go of that! It's mine!" I yell.

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