Rascal's paln

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Rascal's POV

After I left earth and came back to the shadow realm, I started to think. "Hmm...it seems that the new glitter girl likes me.. this can be very helpful." Then I chuckled. "Who likes you?" I hear a familiar voice say. It was ulric. I turned around and said, "it's none of your concern. But I will possibly need your help tomorrow." I watched him roll his eyes and asked, "with what?" I chuckled. "I'll tell you if the time comes."

Your POV

When I came home I ran to my room and cried my eyes out. "How am I going to tell my friends without them getting mad." I said with a muffled voice sense my face was in my pillow. "Why would they be mad?" I hear my older sister, may, say. "Cuz I have a crush on a bad gu- I mean... a bully, a bully at school." I said nervously. May sat next to me. "It's ok to have a crush on someone." She tells me. "But not this guy, he is really bad! And my friends will get mad if I tell them, and I'll most likely get kicked out of the glitter force— I mean-" but before I corrected myself my sister cut me off by saying, "is glitter force some kind of club?" I nodded nervously.

Emily's POV

As i watched y/n run away crying I couldn't help but feel guilty. Even if I did nothing wrong. I turned and looked at the others. "Guys.. even if she does like rascal, we have to support her...it's obvious that she thinks we'll get mad.." I said. "But he's the bad guy!" Kelsey yells. "Yes I know but, it's no different then any other crush. You have no control over who you like." I stated. "Tomorrow we need to tell her that." Chloe said. I agreed.

                                                                ~the next day~
Your POV

I woke up with a headache. "Ugh.. my head." I say as I get out of my bed. But after I got dressed I saw A figure at my window. It really freaked me out because my room is on the 2nd floor. I also realize how dark it was. I quickly looked at my watch and saw it said 4:33am. I see a flurry of cards come in my room then saw rascal. "OH HI RASCAL- wait how do you know where I live?!" I said in a panicked tone. "Just do, now you're coming with me." He said then grabbed me and held me tightly to his side. "H-huh?!" I say while blushing. Then we both disappear in a flurry of cards and reappear in the shadow realm. I see an old woman jump after we appeared. "You need to stop doing that, rascal." Said the old woman.

I didn't know who she was I just know she is one of the bad people the others mentioned. "Hmmm, are you brooha or ulric, cuz you don't seem like a brute." I said. "DO I LOOK LIKE AN ULRIC TO YOU?!" She yelled at me. "I dunno." Then a wolf comes in the room. "What about me!?" He snapped. Then that red troll from before came in the room. "Why is everyone yelling?!" He yelled. Then he saw me. "That's the new glitter brat I was talking about!" He said. "I'm not a br-" but before I finished talking rascal covered my mouth with his hand. "This is glitter love, or y/n. Glitter love, this is brooha the witch, brute the troll, and ulric the wolf." He introduced. I just did a little wave sense I couldn't speak.

                                                                 ~at the school~

Emily's POV

"Hm.. I wonder where y/n is today." I say. "Maybe She is sick today?" Lily said. "Yeah maybe, if she is, I guess We will have to go to her house to tell her." I said. All of them agreed. After school, we went to her house and knocked on the door. Her sister opened the door. "Hi is-" but her sister interrupted by saying, "is y/n there with you?!" We looked at each other and I answered, "no.. y/n wasn't even at school. We thought she was sick." She looked at us for a minute. "Are you the glitter force?" She asked. We all jumped at the question and Kelsey said, "Who's asking!?" She picked up a card with the words, 'only open if you're the glitter force' "she told me yesterday about your club called the glitter force and I found this note, are you them, are you the glitter force?" She asked once again. "Uh yeah we are a club called the glitter force." I said nervously. She handed me the letter and I opened it. I read the letter.

Dear glitter force, I took glitter love so if you want her come save her. But look for her where you would least expect.

I gasped. "What does it say, em?" April asked. "She has been kidnaped.." they all gasp.

Falling for the bad guy? Rascal x reader {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now