Rascal's fanfic

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Rascals POV

I kept hearing ulric and glitter love fight. It was getting annoying. So, I got up and left the room. I was about to tell them to be quiet but then I heard glitter love say, "I'm gonna sleep in your room!" I was shocked at that. ulric said, "no you're not!" Then, glitter love crossed her arms and made a deal with him that if she can sleep in his room, she will make fanfics for him. He agreed and glitter love walked away. I didn't think that she would be that mad at me. After she left the room, ulric turned around and saw me.  I had no words. "Uh.. how much of that did you hear?" He asked me. "Well not much but, you agreed... because she will make a fanfic of you?" I said, obviously angry. "Haha why do you care? She doesn't like you, so she just wants to sleep in my room. it's no different from what she did with you. It's just my room. Also, if she made a fanfic for you, you would understand." He tells me. "She told me she wants to ignore you from now on." The pixie added. 'God this spell has really gotten into her..' I thought. "Okay, i dont really care." I say then walk back into my room. I guess brooha went back into her room cuz she wasn't in mine.

Emily's POV

The others and I were allowed to stay at y/n's house to help discover who took her. Even though we knew where she was, we wanted to find a reason why rascal took her. Was it just so he could  turn her evil? Or was there another reason? We didn't really know. We were all in the living room with y/n's sister. "Who do you Guys think took her?" May asked us. We looked at each other and lily nervously said, "w-we don't know.." and did a nervous laugh. May put her hand to her chin and said, "it has to be someone... can I see the card?" I looked at the card real quick and looked at where rascal signed it. I look at her and gave her the card hesitantly. She reads through it and says, "why didn't you tell me it was signed!?" I looked at the others. "Wait, Who is rascal?" She asked. "Oh.. it's um... a guy..that we know." April said.

May thought for a moment. "Is it a bully at your school?" She asked. "Huh?" We all say confused. "Well, y/n told me about having a crush on a bully at the school and was afraid to tell you guys. I know I probably shouldn't have told you but..it's important." She told us. 'It must be her way of telling her sister she had a crush on rascal' I thought. "Oh. Yeah, he is a bully at our school. I can't believe we spaced out on that, right guys?" I say looking at the other girls. Then they all agreed nervously. "But who names their kid rascal?" She asked scratching her head. "It's a nick name for him. His real name is..uh.." I was said thinking of a name. "Randal. His real name is Randal." Chloe said, finishing my sentence. "Uh..yeah, Randal." I said. "Oh, okay. So now we know who did it. But why?" May said. We all thought.

Rascal's POV

When I was in my room, I was thinking of what ulric said about the fanfic. 'How special can it make you feel?' I thought. After awhile of thinking to myself I thought of going to glitter love's room and seeing if she had made one of me, she liked me right? I decided if I should or not. "Hmm...yeah, I'm gonna do it." I tell myself. Then, I leave in a flurry of cards and teleport to glitter love's room. The door was closed so I thought I was fine. I looked around her room. I saw some pictures on her wall. "Did she draw those?" I asked in a whisper. "Those are actually pretty good. I mean-" I put my hand on my head and sighed. "I need to forget this dumb crush." I tell myself, still in a whisper. I continued looking around her room. I opened a drawer and saw a few books. 'Are these her fanfics?' I thought. I picked them all up and looked through one of them. 'Yeah, most likely.' I looked at all of the fanfics and saw one with me on the cover. "This must be one about me." I whisper. I read it and it was...actually kinda good. I was so into reading it I hadn't realized there were voices outside the door. "Maybe we should... r-rascal?!" I hear glitter lucky yell. I look at her, the fanfic still in my hand.

Sorry for the cliffhanger I just like doing that. UwU also this was really hard to think of because I didn't know what to do with Emily and the others but I found out and now I'm proud of myself. Thanks for reading!

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