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A ball made out of Traveler's Light, the Light floats among several War hounds. A war Hound swallows the ball, and each Light scatters from the Beacon Tower into different parts of Remnant - Mistral, Atlas, Menagerie and to the Patch.

The camera follows the Light streak, which flies towards Mistral to reveal Kai Raider standing in the woods.

Kai walks through the forest with his hood on before a gust of wind blows it off. He turns around to see Team RNJR stand behind him. The five begin walking together as a crow flies past them. Qrow Branwen is seen standing alone, until another black bird flies by.

Weiss Schnee reads a book in a library. She turns around to Klein Sieben carrying a tray and Whitley Schnee. Jacques Schnee and James Ironwood are seen standing together before the camera zooms into Jacques' eye. Weiss standing next to a distressed Zack clutches his head as a Void Light surrounding his body. The background disintegrating in Void, transitioning into the next scene.

Jackson Oz stands on the roof the of a air ship. Suddenly, Velvet Scarletina comes to hug him before Cayde-6, shoves himself in the middle wrapping both arms around their necks then his Ghost floating next to them, Cortana. Jackson's smile falters as his attention is drawn away from his friends.

Soul and his girlfriend, Yang Xiao Long, are seen training, but in his place Soul sees a happier version of himself with a little girl next to him. Soul falls into a black pit with the Tulug in the background, while Vau'ualk and Tlau'ualk the sword brothers appear in front of them.

At Ghaul's lair, new cabals are shown: Consul clenching his fist, a heavily armor Cabal Vul the breaker, a grinning Gladiator Cabal Thol the executioner with a Solar axe on his shoulder, a snobbish Psion Tha'aul with a Void sphere floating on his hand and finally Ghaul himself. A pack of War hound leap at the camera.

Kai and Humanoid Grimm warrior with grimm mask are seen fighting; Psion lunges at Jackson on desert of Mars in sundown; Zack summons a Void Shield; RNJR fights off a group of Grimm.

Lastly, Team RNJR are shown standing in the woods. Team TVLR stands together on a tundra, looking up in the sky seeing the Traveler. The title RWBY x Destiny appears in the sky.


I hope you guys enjoy the opening, I'm already starting with the first chapter.

Guardian out....

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